Membership status: Member

A story about a less than popular teenage boy who is thrust into a world of magic, mayhem and fantasy creatures. He gets transformed into an elf and dropped into this new world with nothing but his two friends and a new gender to explore. With enough support I am hoping to turn this into a long story with atleast 100,000 words perhaps as many as 300,000 or even more.
Latest Chapter:
- An imaginative victory - [Reviews - 17] (- 4845 words)
- Dropped on my bottom - [Reviews - 118] - (490 words)
- A look back.. - [Reviews - 12] - (693 words)
- Exploring - [Reviews - 5] - (2757 words)
- A brief history of magic - [Reviews - 7] - (1738 words)
- An imaginative victory - [Reviews - 17] - (4845 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Teen to College Age AP
Categories: Age Progression, Magical Transformations, Stuck
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Keywords: Corsets
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 10523 Read Count: 42287 ePub Downloads: 6897