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Site Info
Members: 48246
Series: 17
Stories: 166
Chapters: 523
Word count: 2391634
Authors: 86
Reviews: 4012
Reviewers: 202
Newest Member: arabec
Challenges: 3
Challengers: 3
Recommendations: 6
Recommenders: 4

Terms of Service
First off, forgive me. This is not usually my thing, but the person that would normally make the TOS passed away earlier this year.

�Well, on with the legal. I make absolutely NO claim about these stories nor their worthiness to be read.

Except for the few stories �posted under my pen names and those under the pen names belonging to Kim EM, I make no claims to owning the rights of these stories.

This site is currently run as a HOBBY site. It's maintined primarily by myself, but I have hand selected several people whom have admin access and I trust their judgement absolutely.

I will make NO claims to the UPTIME/ACCESSABILITY of this site. If it's up and running, then YAY! If it happens to be down, I'm sorry, but there is probably a good reason.

If for anyreason, something happens to the server this site is hosted on, I do keep backups. But do NOT in any way, rely on MY backups as your only source of backups for your stories. I will not be responsible if you lost your copies of your story.

If, by any chance, you happen to find something that YOU wrote posted on this site, and you didn't post it, nor give permission for it to be posted, please use the "Contact Us " form �located in the menu's. I will try and resolve the matter as fast as physically possible.

We do require all authors to be of atleast 13 years of age in compliance to US COPA regulations. If we ever find someone registered with an account under the age of 13 on this site, we will block their access immediately.

As for registration informations. Everything that you can see public on someone else's profile page, is also public on yours. We WILL not sell your information to a 3rd party, nor will we ever email you about anything not directly pertaining to this site.

If you have marked a "favorite story" or "favorite author" using the mechanisms provided, the site software itself will automatically email you when those stories or authors have updated.

If you have any questions about anything else, please use the "Contact Us " �forms mentioned earlier.

-Piper/Kirstyn Amanda Fox� Webutation