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Site Info
Members: 48246
Series: 17
Stories: 166
Chapters: 523
Word count: 2391634
Authors: 86
Reviews: 4012
Reviewers: 202
Newest Member: arabec
Challenges: 3
Challengers: 3
Recommendations: 6
Recommenders: 4



  1. I forgot my password! What do I do now?
  2. What kinds of stories are allowed?
  3. How do I contact the site administrators?
  4. How do I become an "Author" as opposed to just a "Site Member"?
  5. How do I submit stories?
  6. How do I add a chapter to a story?
  7. Can I post stories by another author?
  8. What are the ratings used on the site?
  9. What are the story classifications?
  10. How do I select multiple Keywords, AgeGroups, Categories or Genres?
  11. I don't see the right Keywords, AgeGroups, Categories or Genre for my story.
  12. What's with the Orange ePub Icon I see on some pages?
  13. What is an ePub?
  14. How do I download an ePub of my favorite stories?
  15. Why is sotry "blah" not available as an ePub?
  16. How do I upload Images to this site?
  17. Where can I find an ePub/eBook reader for my device?

(1) I forgot my password! What do I do now?

To recover a lost password, click here and enter the e-mail address with which you registered. Your password will be sent to you shortly.

(2) What kinds of stories are allowed?

See our Submission Rules.

(3) How do I contact the site administrators?

You can e-mail us via our contact form.

(4) How do I become an "Author" as opposed to just a "Site Member"?

Submit a Story :)

(5) How do I submit stories?

If you have not already done so, please register for an account. Once you've logged in, click on Account Information and choose Add Story. The form presented there will allow you to submit your story.

(6) How do I add a chapter to a story?

Click on Account Information and choose Manage Stories to add additional chapters.

(7) Can I post stories by another author?

Currently, you need to have additional privledges to post stories by another author (not including Co-Authored Stories). If you have an authors permission to post a story here, and wish to do so, please email GeekBrat(@)Gmail(DOT)COM or use the "Contact Us " links that are on the top and bottom of every page. We will be more than happy to bestow the privledges needed on a user by user basis. We are also currently looking for people to post stories by authors whom have given us permission to post their stories. IF you would like to do this, please contact us.

(8) What are the ratings used on the site?

We use the ratings system from

(9) What are the story classifications?

Stories are classified by Keywords, AgeGroup, Categories and Genre.

(10) How do I select multiple Keywords, AgeGroups, Categories or Genres?

When selecting items from the list, use {CTRL}+{LEFT CLICK} to make multiple selections. If you are using a Macintosh, then use {APPLE KEY}+{CLICK}.

(11) I don't see the right Keywords, AgeGroups, Categories or Genre for my story.

Use the closest fit from the list provided, if there is a major omisson from the list use the contact form and suggest what addition(s) should be made and to which lists. This also pertains to "Story Universe" :)

(12) What's with the ePub Icon (ePub eBook Icon) that is on some pages?

This image appears on Stories and Chapters that are available as�ePub eBooks.

(13) What is an ePub?

ePub (or EPUB, ePUB, EPub, epub) is an Electronic Publication format (or eBook) supported by most Hardware and Software eBook readers. The most notible exception being the Amazon Kindle. For more information on ePub and devices that support them,�Click Here.

(14) How do I download an ePub of my favorite stories?

To download an ePUB eBook of your favorite stories, just click on the�ePub eBook button (ePUB eBook Icon) on any single chapter story or the words "Story" (for all chapters)�or "Chapter" (for only the one chapter), next to the�ePub eBook button (ePUB eBook Icon) on any Multi Chapter story!

(15) Why is sotry "blah" not available as an ePub?

It is possible that one or more of your favorite stories is not available as an ePub. This is controlled by the author of said stories. Many authors these days are offering their stories free for reading online, but trying to sell PDF, ePub, or even Paperback/Hardcover versions of their masterpieces. In order to foster a sense of community, and encourage the authors to keep posting their stories for free, we have allowed them the opportunity to turn off ePub creation for their stories on a per story basis.

(16) How do I Upload Images to this site?

It's a fairly simple process, but we have created a step by step guide complete with images that you can see HERE.

(17) Where can I find a ePub reader for my device?

Click HERE for a list of ePub/eBook readers for various platforms. Webutation