it was an ordinary day until you wore a costume.
Now not only are you no longer human, you are also no longer male.
And it seems you have magic and have to hide it from a mystrious group.
Recommended by: Catprog
Recommender's comments:
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: None
Categories: None
Genre: Fantasy
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Completed: No
The lands west of the Eastern Ridge have been divided into four warring kingdoms for as long as men can remember. Every thousand years they put aside their petty squabbles and disputes to face a far more perilous danger. Kings and armies fall as the great dragons awaken to descend upon them and all is laid to ruin.
So it was in my time, but I took it upon myself to change the way of things. For I am Empress Afanasia of Kafu. Armed with my magical sword, Kai, I concurred the dragons and with their help brought the Four Kingdoms together in peace and prosperity.
Now it is one thousand years later and a dragon is once again laying waste to the Kingdom of Caledon. I await a young maiden, who will journey into the mountains, take up my sword and rule as I once ruled. There’s just one problem…
“It is I, Prince Aster of Caledon. I come seeking the great sword of power that once belonged to the Empress of the Eastern Mountains!”
This could be more complicated than I thought.
The Empress Sword is a fantasy novel by Paulette Jaxton. Subscribe to the audio experience
If you want to rule my empire, young man, you’d better be prepared to wear the tiara.
Recommended by: Sasha Nexus
Recommender's comments:
The Empress Sword is a podcast novel by Paulette Jaxton so the easiest way to listen to it is to use the link on her webpage to subscribe for free via itunes if you want the full version along with comments before the story and "Dragon Chat" for feedback after the story or the Podioboods subscription which includes only the story. It's a full audio drama featuring music sound effects and each cast member has their own voice.
It's a story about Aster, a prince and sole heir to throne of Caladon, who overhears his father King Cosmos talking with his sorcerer, Mandoline of "The Empress Sword" as the only hope to end the 10 year long reign of destruction of Mandrake the Dragon. Aster finds "The Empress Sword" which selects him as a worthy wielder except one thing which Kai fixes making Aster a "Former Boy" and also becomes oriental as well. Adopting the identity of Astrid, this transboy finds that girls in olden times really were treated differently. Aster clings to the hope that the transformation is only an illusion that the ghost of Empress Afonasia can remove once he defeats the Dragon and returns The Empress Sword, Kai to her. Aster gathers a family of choice, since the journey and 'illusion' make him only recognizable as Astrid.
At this writing 13 Episodes of a projected 18 have been released with each episode containing 2 chapters of the novel. We won't find out until near the end if Aster is stuck as Astrid (which is why that keyword was not initially attached to this.) Even if Aster returns to boyhood in the end (and that is now my personal guess as to what will occur), I feel that the excellence of this story is worth it in the end. Changing back will reunite a boy with his parents and spending this adventure as a "former boy" will make Aster a very wise ruler when he becomes King of Caladon.
Please listen to the wonderful story of "The Empress Sword"
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Teenager 13-18
Categories: Deals, Bets or Dares, Magical Transformations, Medieval Times, Sweet and Sentimental
Genre: Science Fiction
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Completed: No

Three Cases and a Wedding Edited By Robert Arnold (This story includes characters from The Turbulence Series, Wild Card, Targets, Twins, and the Julieverse) Iona Beddau finds she has to balance her upcoming marriage and her new job in magical law enforcement. Thankfully she has plenty of help from her friends and family.
(An Iona Beddau Adventure)
Julie O
Recommended by: Kirstyn Amanda Fox
Recommender's comments:
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult 26-55, College Age 19-26
Categories: None
Genre: None
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Completed: Yes
A wonderful story based on part of the author Andrea's childhood and nicely illustrated by Sarah Jayne.
Recommended by: Cat Lochley
Recommender's comments:
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Pre-Teen Under 13
Categories: Sweet and Sentimental
Genre: Action
Keywords: Diapers or Little Girls
Story Universe: None
Completed: No
Recommended by: Cat Lochley
Recommender's comments:
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Not Applicable
Categories: Sweet and Sentimental
Genre: Drama
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Completed: No

This story deeply touched me when I read it a many months ago. I asked JulieChristine for permission to translate it into german, which she kindly enough granted me. You may like or not like that story, so feel free to comment.
Saphira Leonie Gardner
Diese Geschichte ist genau das, eine Geschichte, aber dennoch sollte sie sehr ernst genommen werden. Diese Geschichte wurde inspiriert von Vorfällen in meinem eigenen und den Leben von anderen, die ich kenne. Alle Charaktere in dieser Geschichte sind vollständig erfunden, genau wie die Vorfälle die hier beschrieben werden.
Copyright 2002 by JulieChristine
Recommended by: Kirstyn Amanda Fox
Recommender's comments:
I know that I have said this to you several times in private, but I think it's time I found the courage to post this in public. When you first asked me if you could translate this story, I was ecstatic and speechless. But when I saw it here, with the wonderful English intro, I cried. No sounds, No Sobs, Just TEARS. To know that you cared that much about this story, and the message is tries to convey, will always bring warmth to my heart and a feeling that I've at least accomplished one something worthwhile.
Thank you again dear friend for all your effort. While I can't understand more than a few words of German, I have been able to use Google Translate to discover that you DEFINITELY manage to put the full emotion into the story. Remember, it takes a lot of HARD work, to do a simple translation. And even MORE to make it mean something.
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Teenager 13-18
Categories: Bizarre Body Modifications, Caught with Consequences, Crossdressing/TV
Genre: Drama
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Completed: Yes