Hi Everyone!
I've recnelty been working on the ePubVersion module and fixed many of the outstanding errors although there are one or 2 that still perplex me. I also hope to be adding .mobi/.azw (MobiPocket/AmazonKindle eBooks) support in coming weeks. If you notice any errors please use the contact page linked at thebottom of ever page.
On a separate note, I've been working on a new chat-system for TGFiction.Net and was wondering if everyone preffered an XMPP/IM based solution much like FaceBook chat, or a web-based IRC client solution?
Please let me know what you think!
-- on 06 Mar 2012 - 02:10 am
Anonymous Reviews have been temporarily dissabled pending me fixing some scripts that are causing issues.
Sorry for this inconvieninece.
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 20 Aug 2011 - 10:18 am
I have just updated the ePubVersion module here @ TGFiction.Net to include support for stories with Images and "Tidy" so that the stories are readable in even more eBook Readers.
To download an ePUB eBook of your favorite stories, just click on the ePub eBook button () on any single chapter story or the words "Story" (for all chapters)�or "Chapter" (for only the one chapter), next to the ePub eBook button (
) on any Multi Chapter story!
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 23 Jan 2011 - 06:03 am
Hi Everyone! Just a quick not that we now have the availability to download ePub eBook of your favorite stories! Just follow the link below for MORE INFO!
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 15 Jan 2011 - 11:33 pm
New updates @ The SPFN Blog! These updates affect TGF and LGT. Check it out!
-StoryPortal Fiction Network/TGFiction Administration Team.
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 18 Nov 2009 - 11:32 am
I Generally update the SPFN blog more than I update the site specific news here, but I will continue to post site specific updates here also.
So on that note, about a month ago I installed new Advanced Search and Story Submission forms on the site.
These new forms utilize CheckBoxes instead of Multi Select list, and I hope the achive my goal of making the submission process less confusing.
If you have suggestions for more improvements, please let us know via the Contact Form or by sending an email to geekbrat(at)gmail(dot)com [replace "(at)" with "@" and "(dot)" with "." ]
-StoryPortal/TGFiction.Net Admin Team
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 27 Aug 2009 - 10:44 am
Sorry about that folks. We did a server upgrade, that turned into a server downgrade.
Several authors updated thier various works whilst we were in a bit of a "flux" existence and when the NEW NEW NEW server was finally ready, I was un-able to get backups off the in-b-tween server.
As a result a few authors latest updates and probably some comments also, have been lost.
I'm sorry everyone, I will try to do better in the future.
TGFiction.Net Admin Team
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 07 Jul 2009 - 04:53 pm
I have added the following Keywords to the database.
- Attempted or Completed Suicide
- Self Mutiliation / Cutting
- Scat/Feces
- Golden Showers (Sexual Urination)
This was done in an attempt to help both those that DO and those that DONT want to read such stories.
Please feel free to send an email using the "contact" form linked at the bottom of every page if you feel we should add MORE Keywords.
TGFiction Administration Team.
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 24 Apr 2009 - 01:28 pm
Hi Everyone!
�I've been hard at work with the help and advice of quite a few close friends working on new features and a new design for the site!
My first question is, do you like it?�
If you aren't seeing anything new, you might want to try changing your Theme/Skin to "superstar" using the appropriate pulldown. If you want to make this skin, or any other skin a permenant defauly for your account, just click [HERE] and select the desired theme from the pulldown list provided.
My 2nd question is, have you been having troubles with the site?�
We think we tracked down a nast bug that prevented IE6 and WinXP from being able to load any pages that had Google AdSense ads on them... I have since removed ads from most of the pages, except for a few that I'm using for testing purposes.
�Well, that's it for now. Please make sure to let my know if you have any issues! I can't fix them if no one lets me know!
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 25 Feb 2009 - 05:11 pm
Just to let everyone know, that nasty little annoying SQL error should officially be GONE as in NO MORE! When an author uploads a new chapter, the database will set the update date correctly, and they will show again in the "Most Recent" lists :)
�I am so sorry this took me as long as it did to track down, but it doesn't seem to be a consistent error with all users of the script, so help was sporradic.
�(P.S. I have done a test posting as a normal user and confirmed that the error did not pop up and everything went smoothly)�
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 22 Jan 2009 - 02:46 pm
Hi, this is just a quick note to let you know that I fixed an oversight/error on the "Our Ratings ". I added an image for the B rating and fixed the double posting of the M rating so that one is for MA. Sorry for the confusion. I also added more acurate descriptions of each rating. I hope this helps.
P.S. To the person that pointed this out in chat, I'm sorry I was sleeping when you stopped by, but thank you for pointing out the mistake!�
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 15 Jan 2009 - 01:13 am
Hi everyone. Just a little note...
I have setup server mirrors for�www.tgfiction.net�. Some of you may notice�http://www1.tgfiction.net �or�http://www2.tgfiction.net �or even�http://www.exposummer.com �show up in your browser from time to time. There is nothing to fear, these are all valid addresses for accessing this site.
If you are adding a bookmark however, I would recomend using�http://www.tgfiction.net �because it will automatically redirect you to the best site. From time to time, when adding a story/series or updating a story/series you may run into this message�"You are not authorized to access that function. If your browser shows�http://www1.tgfiction.net�as the address of this site, then you were redirected from a mirror and�need to log back in, sorry. Just as a reminder, you must be logged in to add or manage stories/series." .. Just do as the message says, and log in again. This is to help us assure that your stories/series are managed from the main server and that everything stays in sync.
�-HuGgLeS--P/KAF/The Geek Girl with all the toys....�--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 06 Jan 2009 - 04:30 pm
Help Wanted!
We are currently looking for volunteers to help us add content to this wonderful site.
�There is nothing strenuouse involved, we just need someone to format and submit stories that already exist elswhere on the net.�
These individuals will be posting/publishing stories that we have permission to post.
If you would like to help, then please use the "Contact Us " form, or send an email to GeekBrat(AT)Gmail(DOT)Com
[Replace (AT) with @ and (DOT) with .]�
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 02 Dec 2008 - 06:47 pm
I just found out, that there seems to have been an issue that arose after the last database/software update.
�If you try and post a story and get an error, PLEASE let me know! Despite the aparent lack of activity, I do maintain this site, and will fix any problems. I want to get more authors posting here.
�P.S. I will post here when I have fixed the issue.
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 27 Nov 2008 - 07:45 pm
Some of you, when registering, or looking around may have noticed a profile field named "Author Banner"... Well I have finished the code, and am just looking for a better "Background" image for the banner. To turn on Author Banners all you need to do is edit your profile, and put your Pen Name in the space labled Author Banners. The field is CaSe SeNsItIvE so "Kirstyn Amanda Fox" and "kirstyn amanda fox" are different.
�Here's a sampling of what is created:
To use these banners in your favorite forum or website, do whatever you need to do to insert an image, and for imagename or imageurl use "� http://www.tgfiction.net/eFiction30Beta/sigbanner/raw4.3.php?pname=Your Penname Here "�
-Piper/The one that's had TOO much Caffiene lately.....
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 15 Oct 2008 - 12:25 am
All outstanding KNOWN bugs on this site have been fixed. Please email me at the address provided in the previous post if you know of any other errors, or if you have problems registering (like not getting your email).
�-Kirstyn Amanda Fox/Piper/That weird GEEK in the corner.
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 06 Oct 2008 - 06:13 pm
Just a quick FYI. I just updated the site script, and as far as I can tell everything is working. If I'm wrong use the contract form or email me: geekbrat(at)gmail[dot]com
(at) = @
[dot] = .
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 03 Jun 2008 - 03:41 pm
Hi everyone. I decided yesterday, that I wanted to write a poem, so I did. Then I went to post it and decided that we needed a section for Poems/Poetry and for Songs/Music/Lyrics too... And now we do :)
�Also, I've been giving thought to adding "Forums" and "Chat Rooms" and other such features to this site, making it more of a "communiyt" type environment. What do you think? (Please mark u votes using the "poll" on the left hand colum.
Kirstyn Amanda Fox�
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 21 Jan 2008 - 01:56 am
Hi everyone. Just a quick note to let everyone know I've updated the help/faq page. One of the items I added was "How do I become and Author" which can be found by clicking on this link: [CLICK HERE]. I've also did a bit of tidying up on other things.
I'd also like to welcome all the new members that have signed up so far this year and say that I can't wait to start posting new stories.
Kirstyn Amanda Fox
P.S. New features will be coming soon!
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 15 Jan 2008 - 12:35 am
Hi everyone. I've been working on the site again. As many of you will see, we have a new default theme, as well as upgraded site software. There are some new� features, and a few old features that are being changed slightly. I will add more info as we finish off the rest of the changes, and compile a list.
(P.S. Don't forget to tell me if you find any errors!)�
--GeekGirl on 15 Aug 2007 - 01:33 am
Hi Everyone! I have just one question.... Is there ANYTHING I can do that would bring more interest here?
Please respond using the comments system, email me kirstynf(at)ppf-networks(dot)net or IM me via yahoo ( da_GeekGirl )
--Piper on 02 Aug 2007 - 06:29 pm
More Fixes.... C'mon people.... I just applied another round of little patches. I'm hoping that no one tried anything and was denied, but am thinking that if there is an error, no one is carring to report it... *sigh*
Oh well...
--Piper on 29 Dec 2006 - 10:53 am
Hi everyone. Just a little note to tell you that we have upgraded the script that is used to run the site. We have fixed a few problems that caused issues with people being able to post stories (so if you tried, please try again, it's working now). We've also added "captcha" or image verification for new user signups and anonymous reviews in hopes of keeping the spam-bots out.�
Hope everyone enjoys the site.
KAF (Piper)�
--Kirstyn Amanda Fox on 10 Dec 2006 - 10:04 pm
--Piper on 09 Nov 2006 - 07:30 am
Well everyone... You may notice that we are slowly but surely gaining momentum again. I'm continually working on the site, adding the patches as we get them, and trying to add support for new features.
�One of the things I'd like to suggest, is that if you are an author,� please feel free to post your story. The way the process works, is that your first submission is "moderated" and then if the staff deems that you filled out all the forms properly (eg, didn't mark an M rated story with a B rating), then you are set up in the system so that all your stories go live the moment you post them. Isn't that great?
�N-E-Ways, Keep watching for improvements.
GeekGirl (AKA Piper, and a whole bunch more names)�
--GeekGirl on 27 Oct 2006 - 07:14 am