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Penname: Sasha Nexus [Contact] Real name: Ariel Montine
Member Since: 14 Jan 2008
Membership status: Member

My pen name is Sasha Nexus. I am a fifty three year old,single (never married) transwoman. My transition journey started 10 years ago. I have had one great love of my life, but sadly she passed from this earth. I seek to live each day as she lived, to the fullest.


"That's the thing about faith... if you don't have it, you can't understand it and If you do, no explanation is necessary."

  • Star Trek Deep Space 9 "Accession"


MSN IM: MSN IM sasha_nexus
Yahoo IM: sasha_nexus
Beta-reader: No
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Reviews by Sasha Nexus
Counsellor at large by Penny Lane Rated: Younger Audiences (Age 5+) (K) starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 4]

This is the third volume dealing with the adventures of Marlon Allen Hillier, who becomes Marion Allen Hillier through a combination of incompetence, malice and just plain bad luck. It follows on from "The State does not make mistakes" and "The other side of the fence" and describes increasingly complex work and personal matters.

Latest Chapter:
Table of Contents:
  1. 1 - Puzzle in a dress - [Reviews - 2] - (4114 words)
  2. 2 - The Grand Tour - [Reviews - 0] - (9174 words)
  3. 3 - Equipment Check - [Reviews - 0] - (5065 words)
  4. 4 - Dinner with the Minister - [Reviews - 0] - (5284 words)
  5. 5 - Options and decisions - [Reviews - 0] - (8410 words)
  6. 6 - A jog in the park - [Reviews - 0] - (7513 words)
  7. 7 - Confusion at the Clinic - [Reviews - 0] - (8969 words)
  8. 8 - The Trusty - [Reviews - 0] - (8927 words)
  9. 9 - A day of interruptions - [Reviews - 0] - (7156 words)
  10. 10 - Trouble on M Deck - [Reviews - 0] - (7280 words)
  11. 11 - Answers, Questions, Plots - [Reviews - 0] - (9488 words)
  12. 12 - A Proctor Calls - [Reviews - 0] - (7925 words)
  13. 13 - Late night shopping - [Reviews - 0] - (9561 words)
  14. 14 - Board Meeting - [Reviews - 0] - (7975 words)
  15. 15 - Nearby explosions - [Reviews - 2] - (8904 words)

Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult 26-55
Categories: Crime Punishment, She Males, Stuck, Sweet and Sentimental
Genre: Science Fiction
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 115745 Read Count: 114533 ePub Downloads: 10730
[ Download ePub ] [Report This] Published: 12 Jul 2010 Updated: 12 Jul 2010
Reviewer: Sasha Nexus Signed
Date: 13 Jul 2010 Title: Chapter 15: 15 - Nearby explosions


What a wonderful job writing this wonderful story.   I look forward to more from these characters and this wonderfully detalied universe that you've created.   Well done!  Thanks for this journey and I look forward to many more.

All My Hopes,

Sasha Nexus

Romeo and Juliet: The Real Tragedy by Dawn DeWinter Rated: Young Audiences (Age 9+) (K+) [Reviews - 2]

A comic retelling of the story of Romeo and Juliet using a transcript that Dawn purportedly found in a public library.  Witnesses to their final days include an unlucky cat burglar, the inventor of the tampon, a polysexual page, a lecherous prince, a transsexual nurse, a hair fetishist, a necrophilic nun etc.  It turns out that Romeo and Juliet died virgins as a result of being even more star-crossed as lovers than Shakespeare admitted.

Read Story:
[ Download ePub ] [Report This] Published: 29 Jul 2010 Updated: 29 Jul 2010
Reviewer: Sasha Nexus Signed
Date: 26 Jul 2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Hi Dawn,

What a wonderfully written and entertaining story!  You are an extrodinary writer!  I look forward to reading the remainer of this story and many more of your stories here at the best TG Fiction site on the Internet here at TG

It's an even greater challenge to correct the work of earlier writers like Billy and it is the more anticipating what turns and twists this journey may take and even if the destination is the same as before.  Your grasp of medieval times and culture greatly adds to this new telling of the story and adds a realism in which all of the delights set out for us are quite voraciously partaken. 

Welcome to TG Fiction,net!

Sasha Nexus

Author's Response:

I really appreciate your kind words.  With luck, I have successfully added Act 2, the second part.  I'm new to the system here.

Aurora by Julie Christine Rated: Teen Audiences (Age 13+) (T) starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 107]

Brian just wants to be normal like everyone else. His best friend helps hatch a plan that will make that happen. How will it all turn out?

Latest Chapter:
Table of Contents:
  1. The Plan - [Reviews - 102] - (2876 words)
  2. Trick or Treat? - [Reviews - 2] - (2814 words)
  3. Parent�s, Family and Friends - [Reviews - 0] - (2175 words)
  4. Chapter Four � Same Stuff Different Dreams� - [Reviews - 2] - (2273 words)
  5. Chapter 5 - [Reviews - 1] - (2273 words)

Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Pre-Teen Under 13, Teenager 13-18
Categories: Caught with Consequences, Crossdressing/TV, Seasonal
Genre: Drama
Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon, Petticoats and Crinolines, School Girl
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 12411 Read Count: 60538 ePub Downloads: 8836
[ Download ePub ] [Report This] Published: 12 Feb 2011 Updated: 02 Oct 2011
Reviewer: Sasha Nexus Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: 07 Apr 2011 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter Four � Same Stuff Different Dreams�

Love the storytelling in this story and looking for more!

All my hopes,


Being Joanna by Sasha Nexus Rated: Teen Audiences (Age 13+) (T) starstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 42]

George's time in Toronto comes to a tragic close but instead of meeting his maker, he meets Dr Erica who knows her true name, Joanna.  In this fanfic sequel to the CTV series 'Being Erica', Can Dr Erica also be the only gender therapist that Joanna will ever need?

Latest Chapter:
Table of Contents:
  1. George - [Reviews - 13] - (4666 words)
  2. Regret - DDT - [Reviews - 11] - (5760 words)
  3. Regret - NHS - [Reviews - 8] - (5281 words)
  4. Regret ~ SUZY - [Reviews - 7] - (7173 words)
  5. Interlude ~ CAMP - [Reviews - 3] - (6088 words)

Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult 26-55
Categories: Age Regression
Genre: Adventure
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 28968 Read Count: 78109 ePub Downloads: 8384
[ Download ePub ] [Report This] Published: 25 Jun 2012 Updated: 15 Jul 2014
Reviewer: Sasha Nexus Signed
Date: 10 Jul 2012 Title: Chapter 2: Regret - DDT

I'm looking forward to telling this story in the Being Erica Fan Fiction Universe.  I'm trying to stay true to the philosophy of the CTV Series in that life has many lessons to teach us and the choices we make determine the path we end up following.  While in Joanna's story we get to see the result of changing paths immediatly, in real life those consequences are revealed over time.  A major course correction may be required but can not be taken until the seeker is ready.  In Erica's life when she went thru the process, she looked the same mostly thru out, but in Joanna's case, the healthier her life choices are, the closer to revealing her true self outwardly becomes.  As she with Dr Erica and Dr Denton's help continues the transition she started as a result of her first regret, her work with Dr Erica may change her so that transition becomes easier since some of the steps may now have been completed in the past of a more prepared and assertive Joanna. As with the Being Erica series, the regretw are lai out in the begining.  As a result of her growing others may be added.   As in all of our journeys, relationships with others are very important.   As Joanna opens to herself she can be more open to others, perhaps even to someone who she can spend her life.

All my hopes,

Sasha Zarya Nexus Webutation