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Author's Chapter Notes:




What happened, and what will happen to Mary Beth?

What’s to become of poor Matilda?




I would like to thank my dear friends,

Angel O’Hare, Karen Page, Joni W. and Holly Logan

for their kindness, help, support and input.



Raised In SLC

Chapter 11

By Penny Reed Cardon



Edith quickly scooped Mary Beth up and took her inside.  After attending to her bleeding nose, Edith made a more complete assessment of Mary Beth's condition.  One sleeve of her blouse was missing and the other was about to fall off, along with her blouse missing several buttons.  Her skirt had been torn in several places, there was also a large corner shaped tear in the back exposing a fare amount of her light blue panties, which were completely intact, thankfully.


"Oh, Mary Beth, what happened?"


All Mary Beth could do was cry, as Edith held the distraught child on her lap.


"I'd better call your Mother," Edith thought aloud, as she reached for the phone on the end table next to the couch.


That got a reaction from Mary Beth.  "NO, no,” she cried, sobbing and shaking her head, “D, Don't call M, Mommy!  M, M, Mommy’s m, mad at me, because of Ma, Matilda."


"Mary Beth!  Did your Mother do this to you?" Edith asked in shock, afraid of what the answer might be.


"Nooo.  B, B, Bart!  He mad … because M, Matt not at school.  M, Mommy mad at me b, because I w, won't stay away from M, Matt.  M, Mommy wo, won't care that I got b, beat up cuz I'm M, Matt's friend.  T, That's why I c, come here."


"Well I have to call someone," Edith said.  "You need medical attention."


Edith knew who she needed to call, someone with connections who could get things done quietly.  She reached for her purse and pulled out Ellen's cell phone.


"Yes Edith, what's the problem?" Ellen asked as she answered.


"Ellen, exactly where are you right now, and … where is Rachael?"


"Rachael is with Matilda.  The hospital wouldn't let her stay un-supervised so I arranged for Beca and Liz to stay with her.  I've just left the hospital, and I'm heading back to the school.  Why?" Ellen sounded concerned.


"How long would it take you to get back here?" Edith tried not to sound desperate.


"About ten minutes, if I turned around right now.  What's happened?"  The concern in Ellen’s voice was now plain.


"Ellen, I've got a problem here that I'm not quite sure how to handle.  I know I can't take care of it alone," Edith.


"Edith!  What is it?"


"Oh Ellen!  It's Mary Beth.  She just showed up on my doorstep.  She's been viscously attacked.  She refuses to let me call her Mother, something about being mad at her about Matilda.  Ellen, she needs better care than I'm qualified to give her.  I know she should be seen by a doctor.  I just don't know how to keep it quiet, or if I should?"


"I'm on my way Edith; I'll be there as soon as possible."


"Thanks Ellen.  I wasn't sure who else to call."


"You did the right thing Edith.  I'll be there in a few minutes."


"Thank you, Ellen."


Just as Edith and Ellen shut down their respective phones, Karen came through the front door.  "Mom, why is there blood on the front porch?" she called out, before she was even in the house.


It was only after Karen had closed the door that she saw her Mother on the couch with a strange child on her lap.  Rushing over to see what was going on, she was shocked at what she saw, "Mom … that's Mary Beth!  What’s happened?"


"All I've gotten from her, that I've been able to understand, is that she doesn't want me to call her Mother and she was beaten up because Matt wasn't in school today."


"So, why didn't Matt go to school -.  Wait … forget that I asked that, after last night I know why Matt wasn't in school.  Mom,” Karen paused and looked around to make sure they were alone, “Why's Dad's suburban in the driveway?"


"Well, there is a lot I need to tell you and Charles.  First, would you go get me a blanket for Mary Beth?"


Karen quickly returned with a blanket, and they had just finished wrapping it around Mary Beth when Charles came through the front door.


"Hey Mom," Charles called out as he walk through the living room. He was far too involved in the latest Marvel Comic, which his nose was buried in, to see the world around him.  He didn’t notice his mother, sister, or Mary Beth as he walked past them.  "When's dinner going to be ready?  I've got to be at soccer practice in an hour."


"Charles, we’re in the living room," Edith called out.  "Please come back here."


"Hi Mom, I didn't see you there," replied Charles, as he started back towards the living room.


"Of course you didn't, you were too involved in that comic book of yours," Edith said curtly, as Charles entered the room.  "Please sit down; there are some things I need to discuss with you and Karen."


"So what's up Mom?" asked Charles as he sat down, "and who's in the blanket on your lap?"


"Mom, shouldn’t Rachael be home by now?  And where's Matt?" asked Karen.


"Normally they would both be here, but today has been everything except normal," Edith started, "Actually I'm not sure what normal is anymore, or will be in the future.  Both of you remember what happened last night?"


Both Charles and Karen nodded, and then Charles quietly asked, "Umm, Mom is this something we should be discussing with Mary Beth here?"


"Yes … I think it's appropriate that we discuss this with her here.  After all, Mary Beth is more a part of this than she knows.  It was Mary Beth after all, that was the first to realize that there was something special about Matt.  I think we need to bring Charles up to date.  Charles, you remember when you shared a room with Matt, and whenever you were changing clothes, Matt would turn away?"


"Yea I remember.  I thought it was a little odd, but didn't pay much attention to it," replied Charles.


"Charles, it's yes, not yea.  Please remember to use proper English.  Now then, in the last four years did Matt ever change his clothes in front of you?" asked Edith


"You know? I don't think he ever did.  He always took his clothes and changed in the bathroom.  At first I thought he was just shy.  Then I just accepted it as Matt just being a goofy kid brother."


“No Charles, Matt wasn't being 'a goofy kid brother' as you put it.  The reason was because she didn’t feel comfortable changing her clothes with you around,” Edith replied, knowing that would prompt a question.


“Mom, what do you mean by SHE and HER?”


“Charles, Matt is a special person, she's what’s known as transgender, or to put it another way, she has what the psychiatric community calls Gender Dysphoria.  The brief explanation is that whereas Matt’s body is male her mind isn’t.  In her heart, mind and soul, Matt is female,” Edith was explaining.  “That is why she wouldn’t change clothes in front of you Charles, and just so you know, your middle sister’s name is Matilda.


“What are you trying to tell me Mom?  That I have three sisters, not two sisters and a geekie little brother?” asked Charles.


“In a nut shell, yes, that’s pretty much it,” Edith said.


“Okay, that explains about Matt, or is it Matilda; I’m a little confused, anyway now I know why he … she … why they act so strange.  I still want to know what it has to do with Mary Beth, and where’s Dad?” asked Charles.


“Mary Beth, as I said, was the first to notice there was something special about Matt.  She has been her friend and protector for the last five years.  The odd thing about this saga is this; even though Matt needed to be protected he was always very bright and has been Mary Beth's tutor for the same five years.  Except for the last eight weeks, that is, where the role of tutor was reversed.  Right Mary Beth?”


Mary Beth had stopped crying some time ago and was listening intently to the conversation around her.  “I guess that’s right.  After Matt came back to school, Mrs. Roberts had me helping him.  It was as if he had lost his memory or gone back in time six years.  I started with the basics, the things that we learned in Kindergarten, and went from there.  He ... I mean, she, is very smart, she learned so quickly.  Mrs. C. is it alright to call her Matilda again?”


“Yes Mary Beth, it’s alright to call her Matilda.  Mary Beth, you never knew why Matilda lost her memory, did you?” asked Edith.


“No, never.  I tried to get Rachael to tell me what happened, but she wouldn’t tell me anything.”


“Mom, Dad said we weren’t ever to use that name again,” said Karen.


“I know that Karen, however the situation has changed somewhat.  There is still more to this story, but first we need to go back in time just a bit.  Karen, you remember that night eight weeks ago, the night your Father found out about Matilda?” asked Edith.  "Charles you weren't here that night so please, just listen."


Karen slowly nodded, how could she forget that night.  The memory of that night was as vivid as last night, except that last night was worse.


“Mary Beth, ten weeks ago you invited Rachael and Matilda to your birthday party.  The next two weeks were very challenging for Rachael, Matilda and for me.  We had to teach Matilda how to be a girl.  Along with the help of some special friends, I think we did a pretty good job. None of the other girls at your birthday party suspected that Matilda wasn't the person that she appeared to be.  The next Monday, You, Matilda, and Rachael walked to and from school together, do you remember?”


“Oh yes, Matilda was so happy that day.  All she talked about was how much fun he had at my party.  She apologized for hiding the Owl so we didn’t win the treasure hunt,” said Mary Beth.  “Matilda wasn’t in school for two weeks after that.  What happened to her?”


“Mary Beth, you know that your father and Matilda’s father both work for the same company don’t you?”


“Yes, Dad talks about it all the time,” replied Mary Beth


Just then, the doorbell rang.  “Karen would you get that please,” asked Edith.


As expected, it was Ellen arriving.  “Come in Ellen, please take a seat.  You need to hear this as well.”


Once Ellen and Karen were both seated, Edith continued, “Well Mary Beth, it seems that your Dad told David about a girl at your party that looked like Rachael’s twin sister, and that her name was Matilda.  David went crazy that night, when he got home from work.  He took all of Matilda’s things out of the dresser drawer, even breaking the lock to get in.  After that, David striped Matilda, shredding the underwear she was wearing.  Matilda collapsed into a ball on the floor and cried for hours.


“Rachael helped Matilda into bed later, still crying.  The next morning when I went to wake Matilda, there wasn’t any-one there.  Oh, there was a body in the bed, and the eyes opened, but there was no life, she was … an empty shell.


I begged David to let me get some help for her; to let me take her take her to see Jill, or someplace else, anyplace or anyone that could help her.  David was adamant that there was nothing wrong with Matt.  He's said the whole playing dumb thing was a plot that Matt and I had concocted so he'd give in.  He warned me that if I said anything to anyone he'd arrange for us to disappear, somewhere in South America.  Out of fear for myself and all of you, I did as David commanded.


For the next several days I cared for Matilda as you would an infant; I bathed her, dressed her, fed her, and carried her wherever I needed her to be.


“It wasn’t until Thursday morning, while I was trying to feed her some oatmeal, that her eyes moved and one of her hands moved.  I was so happy, because I knew that Matilda wasn’t a total vegetable.  She was still an infant and had to be cared for in that manor, but she progressed rapidly.  It was, as you know, two weeks before we could take her back to school, and although Matilda was alive, responsive, and learning, there was still something missing.  There was no desire to live.  When Matilda was here at home she was totally, lifeless.  She didn’t read her books, she didn’t help Rachael with the puzzles that they both loved; all she did was sit on her bed.


“David wouldn’t let us celebrate Matt’s tenth birthday as a family.  That’s when I got in touch with you, Mary Beth, and had you arrange for her friends to celebrate her birthday.  I was hoping that knowing that she still had friends that cared about her would bring her out of the gloom she was in, but it didn’t help.


“It was several days later that I started smuggling some lacy underwear to her.  At first, she wouldn’t touch it, but after I told her that I couldn’t stand by and watch her destroy herself trying to be something that she wasn’t, she finally accepted my offer.  We were very careful; Matilda only wore them when David was at work.  It took about a week for Matilda’s personality to come back; she was happy and giggly, almost the same as she had been before.  That’s when David started checking to see if Matt was wearing girl’s underwear again.  Twice a week David would order Matt to strip, to prove that he wasn’t wearing them.”


“Mrs. C,” Mary Beth interrupted.  “Was that about three weeks ago?”


“Yes, I think that was about right. Why?” asked Edith.


“Because that’s when Black Bart started doing the same thing at school,” Mary Beth explained.  “I don’t know how he found out about Matilda, but he and a bunch of his friends would grab Matt when we went outside after we finished our lunch.  They would carry him to the back of the baseball fields and strip all his clothes off and throw them over the fence.  It was two weeks ago that they started grabbing Matt as we went to lunch.  Twice last week, and twice the week before, they carried Matt outside and threw him into a white van that quickly drove away.  Just before lunch was over the van would come back, the door would open and Matt was dumped out.  He wouldn’t tell me what happened.  He was just crying and rubbing his bottom like it hurt real bad.”


“Mary Beth,” Ellen asked, “Would you recognize that van if you saw it again.”


“Better than that, I memorized the license plate … GRU …,” Mary Beth recited confidently, with a smile.  It’s the first time she had smiled since Edith found her.


“That’s great Mary Beth.  How did you remember it?” asked Ellen, as she keyed it into her PDA.


“Well I did see it drive away four times, with my best friend trapped inside.  Besides GRU is missing a couple of letters to be group, I just turned it around and thought of how many were in the group,” said Mary Beth.


“Well Edith, I can see what led up to Matilda’s suicide attempt.  What I don’t know is what happened last night to act as the catalyst,” asked Ellen


“SUICIDE,” screamed Mary Beth, “You mean that Matilda is ...” she didn’t finish her question.


“No Mary Beth, no … everything is all right.  Matilda is fine,” Edith said, trying to calm the child on her lap.


“Yesterday, David was supposed to work from twelve noon to twelve midnight,” Edith continued, “The problem was, he came home early.  Matilda was wearing her pink underwear and didn’t have time to change before David ordered her to strip.  David flew into a rage when he saw it.  David hit me when I tried to stop him.”


“That explains your black eye and burses,” Ellen commented.


“Yes,” Edith said sadly, gently touching the swollen eye.  “However David’s rage was focused on Matilda.  She took the brunt of his anger last night I’m afraid.  That’s also when David announced that he was going to send Matt to a military school in Texas.


“This morning, as Rachael was getting ready for school, she tried to wake Matilda.  The reason she said it was Matilda, is that she had gotten her dress, wig and makeup from her during the night.  Anyway, early this morning Matilda tried to kill herself.  According to the note she left, she felt that if she were gone, it would somehow protect the rest of us from David’s anger.  Fortunately, Rachael and I found her before it was too late.  Right now, she is at Primary Children’s hospital in intensive care.  She’s not awake yet, and I’m starting to get worried.  Rachael and a couple of Matilda’s special friends are with her now.”


“Well, I guess that explains why Matt wasn’t in school today,” said Mary Beth.  “I wish I’d known.  Maybe Bart wouldn’t have beat me up so bad if I could have told him where Matt was.”


“Mary Beth,” Ellen asked, “This Bart person.  Does he hurt a lot of the students at school?”


“Yes he does; that’s why we call him Black Bart,” replied Mary Beth.  “It doesn’t matter what he does, none of the teachers or the principal will do anything to stop him.  According to the grapevine, his parents have some kind of connection somewhere.  All I know is that Black Bart gets away with doing anything he wants and nobody stops him.  The first time that Bart got into trouble was when we were in Kindergarten; he pushed someone into a wall and broke their nose.  The principle called in Bart's parents to talk about it.  I was passing the principles office as Bart and his Father came out.  They were laughing, as if something was very funny.  I looked in the office and saw the principle, he was sitting behind his desk shaking, and looking like he'd seen a ghost.  I've never seen anyone so scared.  After that, Bart did anything he wanted and none of the teachers did anything to stop him.”


“Well, we will have to see about this,” Ellen said, looking like she was ready to take on another challenge.  “There’s something wrong with the system, when one delinquent boy can terrorize an entire school and nothing is done about it.  I’ll just have to do some research and see what kind of connections this boy’s parents have.”


“Mary Beth,” Edith asked, “You seem to be feeling better.  Are you sure you don’t want me to call your Mother?”


“You can if you want,” Mary Beth answered with her head down, “But it won’t matter.  She's still mad at me about inviting Matilda to my birthday party.  When she found out about Matilda, she yelled at me so much.  I hadn’t been spanked since I was five, but Mom worked on my bare bottom for probably half an hour the day she found out what I did.  I’ve also been ground since then.  I can go to school and church, and that’s it.  I can’t have friends over.  I can’t watch TV.  I can’t do anything that’s fun.  Mom even took away Samantha and Nellie because they came from Matilda and Rachael.  I cried for days when she did that.”  Mary Beth started softly crying again as she finished.  It was quiet, save for the soft crying of Mary Beth, each one was consumed by their own thoughts.


“Mom couldn’t stop me from seeing Matt at school," continued Mary Beth, once she was able to control her emotions again.  "She’s been mad about that since Matt came back to school.  She even tried to get me transferred to a different class, but Mrs. Roberts explained to the principal that I was the only one that Matt trusted, and that taking me away would do Matt more harm than good, cuz I was helping him so much.  Mom is so mad, she won’t care that I was beaten up because of Matt.  She’ll just say that it serves me right for hanging around that little ... freak.”  Once again, Mary Beth was crying.


“Edith,” asked Ellen. “Is there someplace where Mary Beth and I may talk privately?”

“Of course, the two of you can go into the family room.  Do you feel up to walking, Mary Beth?” asked Edith.


Mary Beth nodded and slid off Edith’s lap.  Still holding the blanket around her, she led Ellen into the family room.


“Mom?” Charles asked, “Now I know about Matt, and that he thinks he’s a girl.  We know who beat up Mary Beth and why, but you still haven’t explained where Dad is.”


“Well, I guess it started about eight weeks ago as we've explained,” Edith started, “That was the first time that your Father ordered Matilda to strip.  As I said you weren’t home that night Charles.  That was why Matt suddenly regressed back to when he was a baby.  You never knew what happened to Matt and because of your father's threats towards me, and you indirectly, I never told you.  Well, now you know.


"You remember all the other times that your Father either ordered Matilda to strip or brutally stripped her.  According to the District Attorney that is considered sexually abusing a child, adding that to the physical abuse of slapping Matilda around.  Well, to make a long story short, Charles, ... Karen, ... your Father was arrested this afternoon, and will most likely spend the next fifteen to thirty years in prison.”


The room was silent for several minutes.


Then Charles screamed, “You mean to tell me, that because of my little freak of a brother, Dad’s going to be in prison for the next thirty years?”


“Well, that didn’t go over very well,” commented Ellen, as she and Mary Beth came back into the living room.  "Charles, before you go off blaming Matilda for something that was outside of her control, I would like to point out one thing.  Matilda did nothing to warrant the treatment she received.  Her only crime was trying to become the person that she truly is.  Your Father could have reacted to Matilda in a hundred different ways, none of which would have led to the road where he currently finds himself.  Your Father was arrested for his actions and his actions alone.  He, most likely, will be spending a good portion of his life as a ‘guest’ at the Utah State Prison, because of his actions and attitudes, not because of anything Matilda, did or did not do.  Remember this Charles, the use of anger and violence will only lead to more anger, and violence, and ultimately someone will suffer from those actions."


After a short pause Ellen continued.  "Edith, can Mary Beth stay here for the evening?  I don't think any of her injuries are immediately life threatening.  I'd like to pickup a friend of mine and then go have a chat with Mr. and Mrs. Phelps."


"Sure thing Ellen," said Edith.  "Mary Beth can stay here as long as necessary.  I'm almost afraid to ask who your friend is and why you want them along when you talk with the Phelps."


"Her name is Martha Woodward; she’s the director of the Division of Child and Family Services.  When playing poker it's always good to be holding an ace or two."


After Ellen left it was quiet, each was left to their own thoughts.  After several minutes, Karen broke down and started crying softly.


"What is it Karen?" asked Edith.


"I was thinking about last night," Karen said, wiping away some tears, "And how Matt must have felt.  It’s hard to imagine how bad he must have felt.  I guess bad enough to want to die."


It was quiet for several more minutes, save for the soft crying of Karen and Mary Beth.


Charles broke the silence by asking, "Mom, with Dad in jail, what's going to happen to us?  I mean who will pay the bills, how will we eat.  Where are we going to live?"


"Well, as far as where we're going to live, I think we'll stay right here.  I never liked the idea of being in debt, so each month when the house payment was due I sent in twice the monthly payment; this house is almost paid for.  As for our day-to-day living expenses, I've been offered a job as a counselor at a private school.  While working there I'll be taking some classes at the university.  Within a year or so, I should finally be able to graduate with the doctorate in child psychology.  I was working on my degree when I married your father.  There will of course, need to be a few changes around here.  Starting tomorrow, each of you will learn to do your own laundry."


This of course brought forth negative comments from both Charles and Karen.  "All right, you two!" Edith said sharply, breaking up the joint pity party.  "It isn't going to hurt either of you to learn to be self-reliant.  However, let's start with something easy, like dinner.  Karen, would you go get out the large pot and fill it about halfway with water and put it on to boil?  Charles, please take some hamburger out of the freezer and start cooking it in the large frying pan on a medium heat."


This of course brought more whining from both children.  "Come on you two, scoot!" ordered Edith, "I'd need to talk with Mary Beth for a few minutes, and then I’ll be in to rescue my kitchen."


Reluctantly, and more than a little grumbling, Karen and Charles went to do as their Mother had requested.  Having had the luxury of a Mother that didn't work, outside the home, both children were about to get a crash course in being self-reliant.


"Mary Beth, do you know why Ellen wants to talk to your parent's?" asked Edith.


Mary Beth had a large smile as she answered, "Oh yes, she works at a special school that uses a different way of teaching.  The test I took before school started was the first of two, to see if I would benefit from their style of teaching.  I took the second test three weeks ago.  Ellen said that I have just the personality they've been looking for.  She has gone to ask my parents if I can go to school there.  Oh, I hope they say yes."


"Mary Beth, did Ellen tell you anything else about the school?"


"Well, she did say that it’s a long way from here, and that I would have to live there.  She also said that it's a year round school, so I wouldn't come home until I graduate, when I'm eighteen.  That sounds like a long time, but the way my family has been treating me because of Matilda, I think it would be good to go there.  I don't think I could ever stop being Matilda's friend."


"Well, I hope you're happy with whatever your parents say.  I know that Matilda is lucky to have a friend like you.  Shall we go see if Karen, or Charles, have figured out how to turn on the stove?  I may have a lot of teaching to do so those two don't starve," Edith said with a giggle.


After dinner, of undercooked spaghetti, slightly burnt spaghetti sauce, and very over cooked peas, all were relaxing in the family room as they awaited Ellen's return.  Even though they were expecting it, the doorbell took several by surprise, causing them to jump.  Edith went to answer the door, leaving Charles and Karen in the family room.  Mary Beth tagged along after Edith.


"Hello Ellen," Edith said, "How did things go with the Phelps?"


"About as well as expected, I needed to play one ace, but not the whole hand.  They were a little reluctant, but they finally agreed that Mary Beth would benefit from our rather different teaching environment."


"Does that mean?" Mary Beth squealed.


"Yes little one, you will be going with me.  First though, we need to have you checked out by the doctors up at Primary Children's Hospital.  Then well go and see how Matilda is doing.  Would that be all right?"


"Oh … Yes! I so want to see Matilda again.  Ellen is there anyway that Matilda could go to your school too?" asked Mary Beth.


"Well, I don't know.  It's kind of different, and only very special students are allowed to attend there.  Do you think Matilda special enough to be one of our students?" replied Ellen. 


"Oh yes!  Matilda is a very special person, she's really smart, and really good with computers, and she likes to help others, and-" Mary Beth was bouncing as she was promoting her friends talents.


Ellen interrupted Mary Beth before she hyperventilated, "If she's that special maybe we can arrange something, no promises though.  For right now, I’d like you to go and get Charles and Karen and the three of you go out to Edith’s car.  She'll be out in just a minute to take everyone to the hospital.  I need to take Ms Woodward home and then I'll meet all of you at the hospital."


There was a sudden scurry of activity as the three children left the house.


"Edith, first let me apologize to you," Ellen said humbly.  "I feel responsible for this entire unfortunate chain of events."


"Ellen, what ever are you talking about?  You didn't make David act the way he did."


"No, I didn't make David act the way he did, but I could have removed the catalyst weeks ago."


"Ellen, what are you trying to say?"


"Edith, I had approval to offer Matilda a place at the school four weeks ago.  I was just waiting to see if Mary Beth would be approved before I said anything.  Oh Edith, none of this had to happen. … Matilda's suicide attempt, David being arrested and going to prison, none of this had to happen.  Edith, I'm so sorry."  Ellen was almost in tears.


"Ellen, there's no need for this.  You don't know David as I do.  He wouldn't have giving his permission for Matilda to go.  David had to be in control all the time.  Matthias was David's ‘son’, and he was going to see to it that Matt became the kind of man that David thought he should be, or kill him in the process. There isn’t anything that you could have done four weeks ago, that would have changed what happened today.  If anything, it would have just happened sooner.  I'm just grateful that you were here for us today.  Now come on, you have to get Ms. Woodward home, and I've got three silly kids tearing my car apart."


"Oh Edith, how is it that you're so understanding?"


"It's that understanding that made it possible for me to get such high grades when I was at the university.  It's that understanding that is going to make me one of the best psychiatrist's you've ever seen.  It was also that understanding that allowed me to see what was hiding beneath the surface of a shy, … timid little boy.  A timid little boy … that I'm going to miss spending time with.  A timid little boy who is destined to become one smart, caring, and loving young lady."


Both women had to wipe their eyes before another word was spoken.


"Ellen, should we wait for you in the emergency ..." started Edith.


"No Edith, I've already made the arrangements.  You just need to take Mary Beth into emergency.  Liz will be waiting for you and she'll take charge of Mary Beth until I arrive.  Then the three of you can go up and see how Matilda's doing.  We'll come up and join you there, after Mary Beth’s injuries have been seen to.  Oh Edith, I do have one favor to ask, don't tell Mary Beth or Matilda that Matilda will be going to the Manor.  Its part of a surprise I'm working on."


"That's the least I can do for you Ellen.  I owe you more than you could know."


When Edith and the kids arrived at the entrance to the hospital, Lizy was indeed waiting for them.


"Hello Lizy," said Mary Beth, when she recognized her.  "What are you doing here?"


"I'm here to take care of you.  I hear you tried to go through a brick wall," Lizy said with a teasing giggle.


"No, I didn't try to go through one, it just sort of jumped on top of me, unexpected like," Mary Beth answered back.


"So Mary Beth, all kidding aside, how are you feeling?" Lizy asked.


"Well, I'm feeling a lot better than I did this afternoon.  It hurts really bad when I take a deep breath though."


"Well, Ellen's arranged for them to check you out, from head to toe.  I'll be with you the whole time so there's nothing to worry about; does that sound all right with you?"


"That's sounds great, I don’t want to be alone with a bunch of strange people.  Thank you Lizy."


"Well, it sounds like you have everything under control," Edith said.  "We're going up to check on Matilda.  You know where to find us if you need anything."


"Mrs. C, thanks for helping me," Mary Beth said while giving Edith a hug.  "I don't know what I would have done without you."


"I'm glad I was able to help Mary Beth," Edith smiled as she returned the hug.  “When you're done here, have Lizy bring you up to Matilda's room.  We’ll see you later Dear."


Edith was the first to enter Matilda's room; she was greeted with, "Hi Mom, do I have to go home already?"


"Hello, Rachael, I love you too," said Edith with a sarcastic chuckle, "What a way to be greeted."


"I'm sorry, Mom," Rachael said.  "I just wanted to be here when Matilda wakes up."  Just then, Charles and Karen came into the room.


"Hi guys," Rachael said, addressing Charles and Karen.  Turning to her mother, she adds softly, "Mom, do they both know?"


"Do you mean about my dorky little brother wanting to be a girl?" Charles said a little gruffly.


"Or about Dad going to prison for all the cruel things he did?" added Karen.


"Yep, they know all right," said Rachael.  "So Chuck, what do you think?"


"Think about what?" asked Charles.


"About Matilda, of course," asked Rachael.  "Of course, she looks lots better with a little makeup, and when she’s up and around."


"I don't know.”  He shrugged his shoulders.  “What am I supposed to think?  Rachael, how long have you known about this?"


"Um, since you moved into your bedroom in the basement," Rachael said shyly.


"What?  This has been going on that long.”  Charles said gruffly.  “Holy – uh, cow, no wonder Dad was pissed at Matt, the crazy little ..."


"Hold on a second Charles," Edith said calmly.  "That’s Matilda you’re talking about, and she’s your sister.  The person that you knew as Matt actually disappeared four years ago.  That’s when Matilda's mind realized that something wasn't right with her.  She coped with it the only way she knew how, and that was in secret.  I realized that there was something different about Matt, sometime last March.  It was really sweet Mary Beth who really knew that buried within that tiny, shy, timid little boy was a princess, trying to find her way out.


Now,” Edith continued sternly, “I would appreciate it if you would stop referring to her as if she were a pervert or something, she IS your sister.  What she needs now is our love, acceptance, and understanding, not more hatred.  Have you got that?"


“Um ... Yes, Mom,” a much subdued Charles replied.


No one said anything after that.  Edith had to dry her eyes.


Then to change the mood of the room, "Any sign of life from sleeping beauty?" Edith asked jokingly.


"Not a sign Mrs. Covington," Beca answered.  "It's really kind of strange, seeing her laying there so still and lifeless, knowing how full of life she was the last time I saw her."


"I know what you mean Beca, I know what you mean," Edith said.  "Rachael, Beca, have you two had dinner?"


"No Mrs. Covington," replied Beca.


"I tell you what, I'm told the cafeteria here is open late," Edith said, reaching into her purse.  "Why don't you take these three down there, get dinner for Rachael and yourself.  I'm sure that Charles and Karen wouldn't turn down a chance at some desert. This should cover what ever they want.  I'll stay here with Matilda."  Then Edith gave Beca enough money to take care of what ever the kids wanted.


"Okay Mrs. Covington, I just need to let Ellen and Lizy know where I'll be," said Beca.  She removed her PDA from her pocket and quickly sent a message.


A few moments later Beca’s PDA beeped, indicating a new message had been received.  Beca then handed the money back to Edith saying, "Ellen has already made arrangements with the cafeteria for all of us.  She also said that Lizy would be joining us there.  Ellen said to tell you that she and Mary Beth will be up to see you and Matilda in a little while."


"Well, I guess that's that.  Off you go, you don't want to keep Lizy waiting.”


Edith moved a chair so she could sit right next to Matilda's bed.  Sitting there, she took one of Matilda's small hands into hers, just as she had done early that morning.  Edith started softly singing one of the many lullabies that she remembered singing to a small little boy, a little boy that now would only live in her heart and in her memories.


About fifteen minutes later, as Edith was still singing softly, mixed with crying, several nurses entered and started quietly rearranging the room.


"What's going on?" Edith inquired, after she finished the song she was singing.


"I'm sorry for disturbing you Mrs. Covington," one of the nurses replied softly.  "We were told to get the room ready for another patient."


"I was told that Ellen Hansen had arranged for Matilda to be in a private room.”


"I'm afraid I don't know anything about that," the nurse apologized.  "All I know is that we just got a call from someone in emergency saying that a patient is on their way up, and that we are to put them in this room."


Not five minutes later, another nurse pushed in another bed with a girl, lying on her side, facing away from Edith.  Well, we’ll assume it’s a girl, the hair would indicate feminine, but the rest was covered by blankets.


Once the bed was in place the nurses left.  A few moments later Ellen came in.


"Hello Edith, what's all this?" she asked pointing to the other bed.


"I don't know Ellen.  I thought you said that this was a private room," replied Edith.


There was a rustling from the newly arrived bed.  "What's the matter, can't I share a room with my friend Matilda!" exclaimed Mary Beth.


"Mary Beth, I didn't know that was you," stuttered a bewildered Edith.  “What are you doing here, and in a bed?”


“Well, it seams that Bart did a little more damage than just a bloody nose and a black eye,” answered Mary Beth.  “I’ve also got three cracked ribs.  I guess that explains why it hurt to take a deep breath.  The problem I have now is that with all the tape they wrapped around me, it’s hard to breathe at all.”

"Oh Mary Beth," said Edith, sympathetically, "I'm so sorry this happened to you."


"Well, it could have been a lot worse," replied Mary Beth.  "All things considered, I feel pretty lucky."


"Just how do you figure that you're lucky?" asked Ellen.


"Because, I get to spend the next few days in the same room as my very best friend, Matilda." beamed Mary Beth.


"Oh Mary Beth," exclaimed Edith.  "What are we going to do with you?"


"Well, ... a hug works for me." said Mary Beth with a huge smile.  “But be gentle.”


Both Ellen and Edith were giggling as they shook their heads.


As things quieted down, the room became almost silent; there was however a variety of sounds filtering in through the open door, common to that of a hospital, along with the unmistakable sound of someone crying softly.  It was so soft that Edith, Ellen, and Mary Beth assumed that it was coming from another room.  As the sad sounds of a broken heart continued, slowly the volume increased.  Edith finally recognized the tone of that soft, sad crying; she turned to see Matilda's body quiver as she was crying.  Rushing to Matilda's side Edith picked up her daughter.  She would have spun around in joy, with Matilda in her arms, had it not been for the wires and tubes that were attached to her small child.


 * * * To Be Continued * * *


Chapter End Notes:

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Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2006 Penny Reed Cardon. All rights reserved.

To be continued... (Incomplete)
Penny is the author of 1 other stories.

This story is part of the series, Raised in SLC.
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