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[Reviews - 12] starstarstarPrinter
Summary: Kimmie has to stay with his auntie and his to female cousins for the summer while his mother is in Europe for some type of seminar. His Auntie and two cousins are into contests big time, will he have to take part as well? Read and find out in this cute and sentimental story with a few twists!
Rated: Teen Audiences (Age 13+) (T)
Categories: Fiction Characters: None
Age Group: Pre-Teen Under 13
Categories: Crossdressing/TV, Deals, Bets or Dares, Sweet and Sentimental
Genre: Adventure, Drama
Keywords: Diapers or Little Girls, Hair or Hair Salon, Long Finger Nails, Petticoats and Crinolines
Story Universe: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 9093 Read: 18771
Published: 08 Feb 2009 Updated: 08 Feb 2009

1. Chapter 1 by Angel OHare [Reviews - 12] starstarstar (9093 words) Webutation