Chapter 4
When Bob arrived home his mother was waiting for him as usual. She still worried about her ‘little boy’ and liked to be up when he got home. “Bob, did you have a good night skating?”
“It was good mum, we learned new things, we’re all getting better each time.”
“Did you get the new skating clothes? That must have been a bit different for everybody.”
‘You don’t know quite how different.’ Bob thought. “Yes mum it was great the girls looked lovely.”
“I’m sure they did, I watch the ice skating on TV, it sometimes looks like they’re wearing next to nothing. I’ll bet you and Jack enjoyed that.”
‘And that’s exactly how it feels.’ He thought. “Yes we had to concentrate on the skating not the girls clothes.” He smiled ‘A true statement but not what she thinks it means.
“Well let’s see your outfit, I’ve been looking forward to this all night. On second thoughts why don’t you go and change into it. Afterwards, leave it on top of the hamper and I’ll hand wash it for you, I’m sure the fabrics are delicate.”
“I’m a bit tired mum, can we leave it for tonight?”
“Oh, I was quite looking forward to seeing your uniform...”
Only a mother can do this, pressure without saying anything
“Are you worried it’s too tight or too revealing? I am your mother, you shouldn’t be concerned about me, as far as you’re concerned I’ve seen it all.”
‘Not quite true in this case.’ He thought. There was no point hiding it was there, he’d tell her it was a one off, a joke and he’d be getting proper clothes next week. “OK mum, give me a moment.”
He went o his room and stripped off, as he emptied the skating back he found the bra and panties Sarah had given him earlier, he guessed she wouldn’t be wanting them back. The bra clasp hooked on and he filled the cups with some fresh socks, he ‘tucked’ into the panties and then eased the tights up his legs. Those tights did feel marvellous and he thought wistfully of Jack’s comments about shaving. ‘No I’m not doing this again!’ his sensible side said. Finally he slid the leotard up his legs and pulled it over his smooth front and newly created breasts. This time he managed to raise the zip to the top so the suit fitted up to his neck. Finally he put his hair into a ponytail and held it with a rubber band he found on his desk.
‘Well mum you wanted to see the outfit, here goes.’
As he went downstairs to the living room feeling the carpet through his stocking’d feet he became more apprehensive. At the door he hesitated. “Ready?”
“Ready Bob, come on let’s see you.”
He opened the door and stepped through, holding the skirt he performed a curtsey to his mother. Her eyes and mouth opened very wide, then a fit of giggles set in.
Bob looked hurt, he didn’t like to be laughed at.
“Oh my lovely boy, err girl, don’t look so sad. It’s a super costume just a bit of a shock. You look fabulous, you just need a bit of makeup, nail polish.... “
“I know mother. They did that as well.”
“You mean you actually skated like that? Weren’t you a bit ......”
“At first I was horrified but they conned me that Jack had already dressed up. Strangely after a while I was OK, being dressed this way does allow greater freedom of movement and everyone skated a lot better.”
“Well, what a surprise. A pleasant surprise I assure you, come and sit beside me.” She reached down to her handbag and produced a lipstick. He knew what was coming.
After adding the lipstick some eye shadow and a little mascara his mother had him stand before her again. “Precious! You can be beautiful.”
“Thanks Mother.”
“You are welcome. What about Jack, did he go through with it as well?”
“That was the strangest thing. At first he was really anti, then at the end of the night he was really into it. He went home still dressed as a girl. He said he liked it.”
“And the girls, they were OK?”
“To be honest Mum I think we got on even better than before. I think Tina took a shine to me.”
“How lovely.”
“Yes she’s really nice and everything but she likes me dressed like this.” Bob looked down at the costume, then caught his reflection in the mirror. ‘It does look good’ he thought.
“So, I can see that in one way you are unhappy, you don’t think it’s right to dress up like this. On the other hand you give me the impression that you enjoyed the skating and the attention you got from the ladies.” His Mum could see he was confused.
“I didn’t want to do it at first, then I didn’t want to let the team down, although they conned me there. When Jack was reluctant I encouraged him to join me. I enjoyed the skating and it feels so much more comfortable and you have greater freedom to move than in everyday clothes but when we finished the feeling that this isn’t a right thing for a boy to do re-surfaced and I changed ASAP. “
“I understand this is confusing, if it was a one-off for a party it would be different but from what you’ve shown me the clothes are purchased and it looks like Jack will be back dressed up next week. No pressure then.” She smiled looking at her little lam struggling to make sense of it.
“Yeah, no pressure. No matter how I feel there are 15 others who will be disappointed if I spoil the symmetry.”
“You have to be comfortable about this. That is the only consideration. Yes we like to help and look after our friends but if you are not happy and feel coerced then that’s not good for you. You will have my full respect whichever way you choose. If you decide to continue I can honestly say you look great already and with a few finishing touches even better. Thank you for your courage in showing me and talking it through.”
“Thanks mum for listening.”
“My pleasure, we have always been able to talk haven’t we?”
“Yes Mum thanks.”
“Right then, take these makeup wipes and get changed for bed I’ll make us some cocoa. Leave the clothes on the side, I’ll launder them for you tomorrow.”
Bob went up the stairs, it felt wrong but nice to wear these things. He liked the feeling when his legs brushed against each other, the all over fit of the tights and leotard. ‘I’m walking freely around my house dressed like a girl and my mum knows and isn’t mad.’ Strange indeed.
The next day he was up and away, nothing was said at breakfast. His Mum waved him off and another working day started as usual.
It was mid morning before he got the chance to take a break, Jack saw him going to the coffee machine and joined him in the breakout area.
“Morning gorgeous, how do you feel today?” Asked Jack.
“Confused.” Replied Bob. “How about you?”
“Confused as well. Pleasantly confused mind.” Jack smiled. “Anyone said anything today?”
“Not a dicky bird. You?”
“No.” Jack paused. “I got a bit carried away last night didn’t I?”
“Well, how can I put this but, yes. You went from outright opposition to embracing femininity in a couple of hours. How did you go on after I left?”
“I went home with Katy and Sarah, they asked if I wanted to change but I felt fine. I thought my flatmates would be still out so I wasn’t worried.”
“I sense a but coming.” Bob smiled.
“Hmmm, well you know Jenny and Tia and George has just moved in. They were still up and as I got in Jenny walked into the hall.”
“So you’re stood there in a skating costume, short skirt, makeup and ......”
“Yes she was a little shocked, the girls had kidded me on about getting a cute leotard when I told them what was happening that night. Actually seeing it was a surprise but she dragged me into the lounge to show me off to the others. We had a few drinks and a good laugh, they wanted to see the costume without the skirt and there’s a few incriminating photo’s. The girls thought it was great and so worryingly did George, he insisted I sit on his knee at one point.”
“Interesting. You’ve an admirer then.” Laughed Bob.
“Not my type at all, uuuurgh.” Laughed Jack. “Anyway I had to wee so Tia helped me get out of the leotard, I put on a robe for when I came out of the bathroom but she had a short denim dress she insisted I wear, she said I’d look silly with everything else still on like the makeup and bra if I changed into boy clothes. It was an easy choice to make so I did it.”
“Glad to hear you got comfortable, you have had a thing for Tia for a while.”
“It gets better, we went down and the other two were calling it a night so she said let’s have a coffee, I’ll make it for us. I felt a bit odd sitting on the settee in a dress, her dress, with a beautiful girl.”
“Well now it got really weird, she’s about the same size as me and she was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. She says ‘come and sit on my knee, I was envious of George earlier’. I thought don’t miss an opportunity and where’s the harm?”
“In the context of last night seems reasonable.” Bob now felt his night had been restrained in comparison.
“You could say that. Anyway in no time at all she starts stroking my legs, telling me how sexy the tights were and holding me around the waist, moments later we were kissing. It was one hell of a buzz I can tell you. We ended up in her room I had to creep back to mine this morning.”
“Maybe, will she still love me as Jack? I’m not complaining though. How about you?”
Bob told Jack about his mum and how she’d been supportive. “I’m torn between it being a bit of fun and something I shouldn’t be doing. Once, fine it’s like a fancy dress party, but again and again, where does it end? They’ve supplied the gear now, we’re expected to wear it they even think we are girls. Explaining that will be tortuous especially as we went along with it and let them believe they were right. I keep getting thoughts like, my legs would look better shaved, my mum said ‘there’s a few little things we could do’ to make you better. I feel I would like to try but keep coming back to a discomfort over if it’s really right. In the end the skating’s not that important even though the rest would be inconvenienced if I pull out until someone else joined.“
“I understand.” Said Jack. “I’ve thought it through and like you say, once or even twice it’s a bit of fun. To continue is a commitment we’d have to make. I’m leaning towards doing it but will try again next week before I’m sure. I did enjoy myself, I’m going to buy some hair remover tonight and try that, maybe pick up a few girly clothes and try them during the week. Heaven knows what Tia might try on me.”
As they were talking Sarah passed by. “Hi guys will you meet me for lunch, I think we have to talk.”
To be continued…………….