This is the third instalment of the story of Ian a young clerk in legal chambers. Ian was coerced into dressing as a girl to help out his firm. Having completed that to their satisfaction he has now been asked to don another female disguise. In the meantime Ian has met Paul who has taken Leanne (Ian's alter ego) on a date. Ian is about to find out that Paul has a secret of his own.
This story is a bit more explicit than my others. I hope that doesn't put anyone off. I have loved getting your feedback on the first two chapters. Please leave a review and tell me what you think as that really motivates me to write more!
Rated: Mature Audiences - Explicit (Age 18+) (MA)
Categories: Fiction Characters: None
Age Group: Adult to College Age AR
Categories: None
Genre: Adventure
Keywords: Very High Heels
Story Universe: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 7252 Read: 14657
Published: 11 Jun 2011 Updated: 11 Jun 2011
1. Chapter 1 by deborah karen [Reviews - 98] (7252 words)