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[Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarhalf-starPrinter

What would Jesus do if He met a "woman with a problem", that is a transwoman, as he walked upon the earth?   

This is an allegory and NO disrespect is intended to the Bible, from where this is drawn. What if Jesus had met a transwoman in His travels as He walked the earth? Not everything that Jesus did was written down. As the little boy in “Angels in the Outfield” said, “It could happen!”

Rated: Younger Audiences (Age 5+) (K)
Categories: Fiction Characters: None
Age Group: Teenager 13-18
Categories: Magical Transformations, Pop Culture
Genre: Drama
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 931 Read: 7057
Published: 12 Jan 2011 Updated: 12 Jan 2011
Story Notes:

The allegory "What Would Jesus Do?" is a recasting of the transwoman (woman with a problem) for the blind man of The Message, John 9. In both cases they are born with congenital problems and both have to deal with the consequnces of recieving a miracle. Although the Bible remanis silent on Harry Benjamin Syndrome there are parallels which can be drawn to tell the story of the transwoman as an allegory in "What Would Jesus Do?"

1. WWJD by Joanna Dorcas [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarhalf-star (931 words)


What Would Jesus Do?

By Joanna Dorcas Webster

What if Jesus had met a transwoman as he walked the earth?
