When a directionless young dude and the coolest girl around fall for each other, they're unprepared for the strange transformation that results. Look out all you indie rock kids, jocks, greeks, townies, rollers, woodpushers and hipsters-- here's the first story in the punk rock adventures of Amy Komori. Watch her as she deals with the initial changes...
This is the revised (and hopefully vastly improved) version of the Amy Komori/Delacroix High series by the original author.
The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved.
Rated: Mature Audiences - Explicit (Age 18+) (MA)
Categories: Fiction Characters: None
Age Group: College Age to Pre-Teen AR
Categories: Age Regression, Crossdressing/TV, Cultural Change, Magical Transformations
Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Challenges: None
Series: The Ridiculous Destiny of Amy Komori
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes
Word count: 7753 Read: 25822
Published: 04 Aug 2010 Updated: 04 Aug 2010
1. Chapter 1: Something Happens by Amy K [Reviews - 1] (2503 words)
2. Chapter 2: Terror in the Club by Amy K [Reviews - 0] (2848 words)
3. Chapter 3: Cornflake Girl by Amy K [Reviews - 0] (2402 words)