The Apple Tree By Stanman63 ! Synopsis:When A young boy grows up, he finds that his apple tree is a frind indeed. |
One day, there was a young boy that loved to play upon an old apple tree. Everyday, the young boy would come and play many a game or st and read his comic books or do his homework.
The tree looked forward to his visits and always made sure that the boy and any of his friends had fresh apples to eat. But as time went by, the boy grew up and stopped playing under the tree for he had grown and fell in love with a girl.
Together the young couple would gather under the tree and talk. In time, they were to marry and the boy came to the tree in dismay.
"My friend, what causes you such distress? I thought that you were happy to have found true love."
"Oh Apple Tree, Tree that I have known all my life, I am in despair and Know not what to do."
"Has she said no to being married?"
"No Friend Tree, she wants to marry me, THAT is the problem."
"How can that be?"
"I have not the money to buy her a Wedding Ring."
"Then harvest my apples and sell them and you will have the money."
"Thank you Apple Tree."
Then he harvested the apples and sold them to buy the Wedding Ring. Then the young couple were married under the Apple Tree and the Tree was happy.
Then the young man came again in despair. "My friend, what causes you to despair today? I thought that you were happily married."
"Oh Apple Tree that I have come to love, I need a home for us to live within and I have no home for her."
"Then Cut me down and use my wood to make a home for both of you."
"But will you not die then my friend?"
"As long as you come to my stump and sit, I will live>'
"Oh thank you Apple Tree."
Then he cut down the tree and built a home for him and his wife. Together they set up chairs and sat upon the stump as their love grew and their children played around the stump.
But in time, the children grew up and moved away and then the wife died leaving the man all alone. He came once more to the tree to sit and think.
"Apple Tree, now I am old and alone. my wife has died and our children have moved away. You have been a good friend to me, but soon I to shall die. I wish that I could thank you for what all you have done for me."
"My friend, I can restore your youth, but if I do, you shall be a maiden."
"That is quite alright Apple Tree, there is a young man that I like, I think that being his wife will be fine."
Then he was transformed into a beautiful maiden wearing a pretty sun dress and matching hose. Then she went to marry her young man and they were married upon the stump and lived in the old house. And the Apple Tree was happy indeed.