Jackie And The Beanstalk By Stanman63 ! Synopsis:When an Evil Wizard plots against Jack, A Good Wizard saves the day. |
Once upon a time, there was a young farmer whose farm was doing poorly due to the spells of a local wizard. This wizard wanted the farm for his own and had hexed it so that poor Jack could not grow any crops,. Worst of all, his farm animals suffered as well.
Jack began to sell off the animals and land so that he could eat, but all too soon, he was left with the house and his prize cow. He was heading into the county seat to sell his home and cow when he came upon an old man in distress.
Jack stopped and saw to his needs which were simple. All that he needed was some water and food that Jack provided, sacrificing his lunch to the old man's needs.
"Here, old man, I have not much, but what I have is yours."
"Thank you young man, for your help."
Then when the old man finished the meal, he rewarded Jack for his kindness.
"I will now reward you for your kindness, I am a Good Wizard. A Bad Wizard has hexed your farm so that you will sell it to him. But I can counter his hex with these Magic Beans, Simply plant them outside your house and in the morning the beans will have sprouted."
"Thank you kind sir for your help."
Then Jack went back home, but looking down, he saw that he was now Jackie, turning to the Good Wizard, he was told.
"I have sen that in your heart that you are a maiden. All now will know of you as Jackie and the Bad Wizard will succumb to your charms."
Then, stepping lively, Jackie arrived home and planted the beans. In the morning, the beans had grown into the clouds. Looking up in wonder, she was greeted by the Bad Wizard.
"Oh Jackie, can you forgive me for my evil ways? I have been mean to you when you were Jack, now that you are Jackie, I love you and want to marry you."
"Why should I marry the one that has caused all of this?"
"If you marry me, you will be a Princess for the beanstalk goes to the Giants castle which is full of the riches that he has stolen."
"That giant is mean, very well, let's go, I will marry you if you slay the giant."
Then they went up the beanstalk and the Wizard did slay the giant and in doing so, was freed from his evil. The castle settled upon Jackie's farm and she became a Princess and married the wizard and lived happily ever after.