Kelly's Journey Book 2 By Stanman63 Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To JennaFl For Proofing Synopsis: Kelly is given a very thorough scan to determine if she can have children as her family learn the good news about Debbie, giving them hope for Kelly, too. |
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I found myself being wheeled into a room with a giant hole in the wall with all sorts of lights blinking around the tubular cave like opening, "What's that?"
"That, Kelly is the M.R.I. and ultrasound unit. I can get a good look at your innards with it," smiled Erin.
"What? But I'm not dressed for it," I giggled.
"You just need to remove any metals."
"That's just it, my fillings are metallic."
"I never had that problem before!"
"Sorry, but I just had a tooth done," I grinned to show my golden tooth.
She looked at e and shook her head, "Why did you do that?"
Johnny blushed, "My fault. We were playing softball and she got bopped in the mouth. The dentist tried to reattach the tooth, but couldn't. So he encased it in gold and anchored it on the surrounding teeth and gums."
"Which dentist?"
"Harold Farley. Why?"
"Because Farley loves to get his patients to have those stupid gold fillings done to pad his pocketbook," Erin fumed.
"Can you remove the gold? I can always have the tooth done over."
Erin patted my shoulder, "I'll remove the filling and save your tooth. But I have the feeling that you don't need the filling."
She deftly removed the gold on my tooth, revealing that it had bonded with my gum, making it look as if there had never been an accident.
"That faker! Your tooth bonded with your gum! He padded his pocket at your expense!"
"No, not really, Erin."
"Farley's office is in one of the Woods Enterprises buildings. Once Dad knows about this, Farley's lease will not be renewed."
"Well, it's good to know that he'll pay for his excesses. But now I need to scan Kelly."
I smiled at her, "I'm ready, if you are."
"Let's get cracking."
I was probed by the scanner and as the computer enhanced images came through, I saw that I actually was a woman with the complete package of female plumbing.
Laying there on the scanner table, I began to cry tears of JOY. I wanted to give Johnny a son, or a daughter born from me, now it was a possibility.
When I was a boy, I wanted to marry Julie and have a family, and I did, thanks to her saving some of my sperm for artificial insemination after she met her betrothed, Mark White.
He loved her enough to raise Kelly Lee White as his son. Now she was pregnant with Mark's child and couldn't be any happier. But when she learned that I was a woman, like her, It'd bring us even closer together, if that's even possible.
I had a dream where I went to Heaven and saw Daddy sitting on a hillock of stone, cradling an infant. He looked if possible, sad as he held the child.
"Hello, Kelly. Come and meet your first born son, Stu."
I rushed over to him and sat by him, "Named after you."
"Yes. He can be the first of many children, if you do not falter in the upcoming battle for your son."
"Does he suffer from some ailment?"
"I wish that were so," he sighed.
Then for the first tie in my life, I felt fear in Heaven, "NO! SAY IT CAN'T BE!"
"He is still down there."
"Not his son who has taken on his father's mantle of hatred for you. You must be strong to overcome his attack."
"But why does he hate me so?"
"He and his friends are the ones who attacked Brian and caused him to become Daisy. His Heart is as black as his father's was. When he learned of your marriage to Johnny, he vowed to do what he can to hurt you for your part in his father's demise."
"But he died in prison for his actions causing Johnny to turn against me!"
"Yes, that's why his son will delight in hurting you because of the bonus in hurting Johnny."
"What can I do? He will have people around who will help him either through ignorance or because they think like he does!"
"All that you can do is be ready."
"I'm not ready, Daddy."
Then I saw a man in a white, flowing robe approach. He had a crown upon His head and holes in His hands and feet.
"JESUS!" I screamed as I ran into His waiting arms.
"My Child, I know that you're Faith is low, right now. Be assured that you will over come your enemy if you have Faith."
"But Jesus. My Faith is weak, can You help my unbelief?"
I felt His tears as He wept for me, "My Child, you will have your victory. But you must be prepared to pay for it."
"Pay for it?"
"Yes, you must sacrifice something in the end. What you give up is up to you."
"Oh, Jesus. I can't give up Johnny! We've been through too much!"
"MY Child, your sacrifice is not Family, or Friends. It is as before when you went into battle and despaired."
"Last time, I wanted to die!"
"My Child. Trust in Johnny. Let his Love for you be the help that you need."
I knew that my time in Heaven was now over, "ye Jesus. Bye Daddy."
I felt them both give me a kiss and a hug as I faded away and awoke to find a golden rose pendant on a silver chain in my hand.
I resolved then and there that this would be Armageddon between us. What I did not know was the bitter price that I would pay for the victory that only the Love of Johnny prevented the final payment and ended in a bitter sweet victory.
* * *
I got off of the table with Johnny's help, "Now do you believe?"
I dare not tell Johnny about my dream, unless he asks about it to keep him safe from harming the Beasts offspring. "Yes. Wouldn't it be great if Aunt Debbie, Julie and I had babies the same day?"
"Guess not, I smirked.
"It's about lunch time, want to try the cafeteria? It has a great sandwich and soup bar>" asked Erin.
"OK by me."
Johnny laughed, "Dad will give us the Third Degree when we tell him about the diner."
"Go ahead, but I must warn you that Connie loves being here after she bought the diner from the lease company"
I had a BLT with Pepper Jack cheese, cream of mushroom soup. Johnny had the meat lovers sandwich while Erin had chicken, tuna, and turkey salad with bread sticks. We all drank diet root beer.
"OK. Kelly, I know that something happened to you while you were in the scanner. What happened?"
Guess that I need to tell him something I had a Dream again. This time I got a warning about the future."
"Tell me, please," he pleaded with tears in his eyes.
"Oh, Johnny! I don't know what will happen. All that we can do is be ready."
He smiled at me, "At least we don't need to worry about him since he's dead."
I kissed Johnny, "True. It's probably something new." If I tell Johnny, he will go after him and not be here when I need him since he will be in jail. If only Poppa Woods could use his resources to help. But he does not know any private eyes r soldiers of fortune like the A-TEAM.
After lunch, we headed back home so that Johnny could plan his lessons for the upcoming week and drill the football team on a few new plays while I sat at my desk, going over the files of my clients.
I found that there were an increasing number of people who were confused about their genders and I was able to help them to find the balance that they needed.
Being born a boy and transformed into a girl, I knew better than most what they were going through and the pitfalls of transitioning. I had to face off against those who despised me as well as overcoming despair which made me stronger. But was I really qualified now that I was to once again face off against an enemy?
* * *
While I was at my desk, Aunt Debbie was meeting with her beau, Augustus at Wood's Mexican Diner. It was built like like the authentic Clay and red tile buildings from the Southwest and the staff were dressed in authentic uniforms except that the waitresses skirts were cheerleader length.
Aunt Debbie kissed him as he sat, "Good news." We've waned to adopt for the longest time, now we won't have to.
"What's the news, Love?" From her smile,MUST be something related to that lovable vixen, Kelly.
"You know that we've been wanting to adopt, right?" Damn you, Kelly! Now YOU'VE got me pranking.
"Yes, so what? Do we have a child to adopt?" he chuckled. Has we finally been awarded a child?
"Well, forget about adopting." Setup.
"I can have our own children." Hook, line and sinker!
She placed his hand on her belly, "Erin says that I am inter-sexed. I have a complete set of a woman's reproductive system." Now for my BEST news, at least to me.
"What's that?"
"I started my FIRST menses in her office," she giggled.
He kissed her, then got up to do a tirade, "I KNEW That Vixen Kelly couldn't leave well enough alone!" Now to prank her back.
"Simple, she got her wish and became a woman, so she up the ante on you and got God to Bless you and make you a woman," he chuckled. Kelly ain't the only one who can prank.
Aunt Debbie had a good belly laugh with Augie that spread throughout the place.
"What's the reason for the laughter?' asked their waitress Diane.
"Oh, we were laughing about how my niece Kelly Woods is infamous for pranking family and friends."
"Why is that, Ma'am?"
"Because we just now pranked each other, just as if my fiancée's niece would."
"And what is the good news?"
"Do you Kelly Wood's story?"
"Yes Ma'am. And I think that she's a wonderful lady," Who wouldn't love her? I know that Johnny does.
"Well, I am like her."
"You mean that you've had the operation?"
"Yes, but I just now learned that I am inter-seved. You know wat that means?"
"Not really."
"It meands that I was born with a complete set of female plumbing."
"WOW! No wonder you two are so happy! Now you can have your own kids."
"Exactly! Debbie and I were looking into adopting a baby. Now we won't need to."
"Then if I know Mister Woods, he'll want to treat you to a free meal, tonight since you are Kelly's aunt."
Then they got a most pleasant surprise.
"In fact, I insist," said Mister Woods as he came up.
"JAMES!" exclaimed Aunt Debbie as she hugged him.
"How do you like MY prank?" he chuckled.
"Love it," Aunt Debbie and Augustus chorused.
They enjoyed a scrumptious dinner that night for free, then went to his place to try and start a family.
* * *
Meanwhile, Momma and Constable Sebastian were unloading hid truck that was loaded down construction supplies.
"You think that the workers will be able to access the supplies without a problem?" he sighed
"Sebastian, why the worry?" Momma asked as she hugged him.
"It's a long Story, Terr. One that if we are to get serious about seeing each other, you should know."
He led her to his front porch where he's situated a cooler filled with ice cold soda. As she sat down, he set a bottle of diet by her, "First of all, I am Renee, Sebastian, Romero, Shaw "
"My! That's a mouthful."
"Yes, as an only child, I was saddled with my dad's and uncle's first names," he chuckled.
"Then why choose Sebastian as your public name?"
"That was Dad's name. And to honor him, I became a constable."
"Is that why you and Stu were Friends?"
"Yes, I saw Stu's passion for the Law and encouraged him to become a Police Officer under my friend Hob."
Momma sighed, "You know how much he wanted to be a Park Ranger?"
"I felt that Stu should have qualified to be a Park Ranger, yet happy that he stayed in the city. I also know that he gave it up when he learned that Hob had chosen him as his replacement."
She looked at him with understanding in her eyes in the form of tears, I'm glad to know he has such a good friend in you. That's why he had a log cabin built up near the lake."
"I know, Auggie and I had spent many a joyful weekend there, fishing."
"Sounds as if you and your son are as close as I am with Kelly."
"Well, when Stu married you, I felt lonely and married my childhood sweetheart Marilyn Jacob," he sighed. It hurts to tell Terri about my BELOVED Marylin, but I also feel refreshed. As if venting the old pain is healing me.
Momma hugged him, "What happened, Renee?"
"Our love ended tragically when she died soon after giving birth to our son, Augustus Avery Shaw."
"So, That's his full name. Bet that Debbie will enjoy knowing that," Momma gently teased to let im know she loved him.
He looked at her with a smirky smile, "Please let my son do the honors as I know that he loves Debbie and has plans for their future." I can see where Kelly gets her spunk from, and I like it.
Momma smirked, "OK, Renee. What happened after her death?"It may pain him to tell me, but I can tell that he's feeling more alive as he does.
"Distraught, I sought solace in Marilyn's widowed mother, Constance Jacobs who was also mourning Marylin's death. When I went to her, she found a reason to live since she was a widower who'd buried her husband Anton Jeffers Jacob. the year before."
"She sounds quite formidable. What agreement did you make with her?"
"She convinced me to let her raise Augustus."
"What about you?"
"I agreed on the condition that she makes sure that Augustus knows of his heritage. I'd visit on my off ays and spend my vacations with them until she passed away just after he graduate from the Academy."
"Hold it, Augustus is younger than Kelly. Is he some sort of genius?"
He laughed until tears came streaming down his cheeks. When he was through, he looke at Momma with a SHIT EATING GRIN on his face, "My son was blessed with TOTAL RECALL of everything he sensed. We took him to a clinic that taught him haw to interpet everything while we learned how to help him."
"OK, but that doesn't explains why we ever knew anything about him until Kelly went to live with Debbie."
He was home schooled by Mother Connie until he graduated with full honors and a PhD. in Criminal Psychology, and graduated from Black Ops."
"What's that?"
"Special school that trains and conditions students in a combination of all of the Governments Special forces, combining Navy S.E.A.L., Army Rangers, Air Force Top Gun, and Marine Corps Special Ops."
"Damn! Sounds like he is a one man army."
He nodded, "Pretty much. When he came home, Mother Connie and I had a chore getting him detoxed from that program. But luckily, we were able to help him to channel everything an get him to focus upon his yogo mediation so that Gus was able to merge everything an enjoy simply being himself for the few months that Mother Connie live."
"Wow! he went through a lot and came out a damned decent fellow. What were you doing at the time?"
"I was then able to devote more energy to being a constable, which I love being and still do, but I also was there when Linden started his hate campaign against the transgendered when Brian was attacked," he sighed. If I coul have stopped him back then, I could have save Terri and Kelly a lot of pain. But then I wouldn't be here with Terri, now. Am I being selfish?
Momma placed an understang hand upon his shoulder, "You're worried about if you're being selfish, Right ?
He nodded, "Yes. Am I betraying Stu by wanting you?"
"Renee, God knew what would happen and let Stu die as he did so that he'd be there for Kelly when she needs him. Relax! Stu knows about us and approves." I should know since even after his death, I could feel Stu's LOVE for me and Kelly. But Renee needs to have confidence to pursue our ROMANCE.
Renee smiles at Momma, "You MUST have a most special link to Stu," he happily sighed.
"I do, Renee. But it took me all of this time to realize it. Until now, I firmly believed that I was like everybody else and simply responding to Kelly's Dream when she told us about being in Heaven."
"What's the difference?"
"Now, ever since Kelly got married, I've felt a most wonderful PEACE and can actually feel Stu's LOVE AND APPROVAL of us."
"I am glad, TerriThat eases mmy Heart, considerably."
"What about Linden and his doings?"
"Back then I found his litany to be hate filled against those he sees as abominations. So I vowed to protect Brian who was turned into Debbie, only to expand my vow when the bastard learned about Kelly."
"Did you know that your son August would fall for Debbie?"
"Yes, and approve since Debbie is a lot like Mothrer Connie."
"Oh? How are they different?"
"Well, for one thing, Debbie is younger and unlike Mother Connie, can't stand that bastard, Linden."
"Unfortunately, yes. She despised people like Debbie and Kelly. But I also have the feeling that she'd unlearn her bigotry because she loved FAMILY more than any religious dogma."
"Did she join his church?"
"No, because as much as she wanted to, her inner radar told her that he was bad news."
"I'm happy to know that. But what about you and me?"
"Well, after Kelly and Johnny marry, I find that I love you an hope that yu will marry me. Im ready tp pass on my Title of Cheif Constable onto my son when I retire."
"You sound as if you expect more trouble from that bastard."
"I do. Something tells me that there'll be a FINAL BATTLE between him and Kelly."
"Me too. Shall we wait until after that happens?"
"Why wait for that? I'd prefer to wait until after Debbie and Auggie marry."
"Letting them shine on their own?"
"Yes, THAT way, we an shine at our wedding."
"You're awful sure of the answer," she giggled.
"I should be since I know that you'll say yes."
"Then let me give you my assurance," she said as she gegan making love to him.
* * *
Aunt Debbi was meeting Gus in her apartment in town over her shop. When she'd wanted independence, she'd found that her dad and Popa Woods had arranged for her to have the shop and apartment for her needs, knowng that being on her own would greatly faciliate her need to spread her wings yet have a safety net ready to catch her if she should fall.
Her apartment has three entrances: a front and back door, each with a porch aalcove, and a roof top accessway located on the streetside of the building.
Her front door opens upon her living room with a door that leads to a hallway with the family room and den on the left and two bedrooms on the right. The rooms have a dedicated lavratory complete with a barh/shower stall in case she wants more bedrooms.
At the end of the hall is the kitchen on the living room/den side while the dining room is on the bedroom side. Both kitchen and dining room can comfortably handle a family of eight since the kitchen holds the china, gkassware and silver with coolers along the walls to handle any beverages and cold dishes.
Behind them is the pantry with the roof accessway on the right handled by an automated dumbwaiter system that lifts you up to the roof with a hand crank back up and acessway ladders on each side that opens up onto a verenda with a heliport taking up the roof.
* * *
He went to the front door accessway and was pleased that he was riding an escalator up to Aunt Debbie's front door. When he got to the top, he saw a nice alcove where she'd sit and read at times. As he neared the door, she opened it, revealing her wearing blue sailor dress with white hose and red ballet flats.
"Hello, Gus. Are you here as a constable, or my beau?"
"As your beau. I am Dad's son and have followed in his footsteps and now a County Constable who is sweet on you, Debbie Moore."
"Oh? please, go on," she pleaded as she let him in.
"I grew up knowing you as my best friend Brian who shared his secret that dressing as a girl for Halloween was because he wanted to be a girl," he answered as Aunt Debbie led him to the living room where she sat him in a recliner.
"Yes, even though you were homeschooled, Momma still met with you and your Granny in the park. I still can't believe that my best friend was you in my dreams."
"Debbie, when Linden Avery instigated the attack that forced you to become Debbie, I accepted you because I knew that you were now what you wanted to be. I just hoped to help you overcome the nightmares from the assault."
She placed a glass of ice cold tea in his hand, "That you did, in a limited way. I still have the occosional nightmare, but mostly, I am over it, thanks to you and Kelly."
"Well, when you accepted Kelly into your home to help her deal with her sexuality, it started me to wanting to marry you."
"Believe it or not, our wish for me to be a birth mother was granted."
"Auggie, I am fertile. want to try and start a family, tonight?"
They headed into her bedroom to test out her new plumbing.
* * *
Momma and Poppa Woods were heading back home aboard the new houseboat THE ROSE , heading up the Alabamai River, taking a long, restful trip,, knowing that the modifications would allow them to leave the river and motor up to the upper area if there was no canal present.
They'd spent most of their married life raising Julie, Johnny and me through our many trials and tribulations that ended in Johnny and I marrying and Julie wedding Mark White. But now that we were busy with our own families, they were taking the time to be in love and explore the depths of their love for each other.
A part of that was finding the perfect wedding present for Mark and Julie. Not only were they getting the houseboat that'd be placed on thr lake and docked at the log cabin's pier, they were looking for a house for them as well.
"Chuck, are you absolutely sure that they'll be ready for this? I know that Julie loves to swim and fish, but hat about Mark?"
"Anne, I've spent time in the cabin with Johnny and Mark. He might be a greenhorn when it comes to camping and fishing, but he loves it."
Are you sure that it's not him trying to impress you?"
"Why would he when I've done my very best to be open and honest with him. Why? Have I done anything wrong?"
"Have you tried to treat him like a son, or have you let his past haunt your dealings with him?"
"He sighed, "You're right! I HAVE been letting the fact that he was with the BASTARD haunt how I treat him. From now on, things will be different."
"That's good to hear. But I wonder about Debbie and Gus."
"What's to worry?"
"Well, we are getting them this houseboat and building the new log cabin for them, but.."
"They've yet to set a date, right?"
"Right! How can you be so sure that they will marry?"
He hugged her, "Andrea Lynn Woods, for all of my business savvy and cooking skills, my real gift is the ability to read others. Those two love each other. But it'll take something special to remove that final obstacle to their happiness."
"Are you sure?"
"Damn sure," he affirmed as he kissed her.
They travelled on to a canal where they waited until morning to pass thruogh, anchoring nearby to spend time ashore as THE ROSE was refueled as they ate dinner at a local diner.
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To Be Continued...