Kelly's Journey Book 2 By Stanman63 Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To JennaFl For Proofing Synopsis: Is a list of people in Kelly's Journey Book-1 And Book-2. |
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Kelly Lee Moore is the son of Edward Stuart Moore and Terri Lynn Moore, a natural redhead with green eyes. He looks like his Mother. Always on the small side, he is quick and nimble. He loves to play sports, is a selfless boy who is always helping others. After his Dad dies, he finds comfort in wearing his friends clothing, especially Julie who is his same size.
Over the course of his young life, he faces many obstacles which make him stronger as he overcomes them. His main goal is to become the girl that he finds he is after a fateful Halloween costume party. As much as he loves his Mom, he loves his Daddy too, which is shown as he finds solace in Heaven when things on Earth become too much for the now Kelly girl to handle.
Kelly marries Johnny Woods after both have overcome fears and doubts created by her most bitter enemy who forces the final battle where Kelly even in utter despair, refuses to kill, leaving her enemy in a Hell on Earth where he must rely upon the Mercy of others.
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Edward Stuart Moore is a gentle giant of a policeman who looked like Tom Selleck. He loved to hunt and fish and had wanted to be a Park Ranger, but unfortunately, he never qualified before he died in the Line of Duty.
He loved to fish and take nature walks. He built a cabin in the nearby woods where he took his family and friends to visit nature. It was here that he taught Kelly and the twins; Johnny and Julie all about a Love for Nature that Mister Woods continued after his best friend's death.
He chose to go in for a fellow Officer who called in sick, but was once again hung over from excessive drinking the day before. When he was killed in the line of duty, he was handpicked by his captain to replace him when he retired.
In Heaven, he is there for Kelly whenever she is distraught and in need of guidance. It is from him that Kelly developed her habit of pranking those who she loves.
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Terri Lynn Moore is a natural green eyed redhead like Kelly. She weighs 100 pounds soaking wet and is only 5 feet tall like her son. They look like Redheaded Olsen twins. Whenever they go out together, people think that they're twins which makes her day, the only real difference is that she has a few wrinkles around her eyes. After the death of her husband, she got a job as head secretary and hostess for a local health clinic. Because of the late hours, she often leaves Kelly with his Godparents, the Woods.
In her refusal to accept charity from the Woods who are Kelly's Godparents, she has silently endorsed her son's journey into womanhood as she buries her ongoing grief in her work which continues to call for her abilities as she learns and grows into a modern businesswoman. It is only when she sees Kelly as a young woman that she regrets her decision and helps Kelly to realize her dream.
After Kelly's wedding, she falls in love with Stu's friend Constable Sebastian and soon marries him, finally finding the Love that she lost when Stu died.
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Jonathan -Johnny- Stuart Woods is a hazel eyed, blond gentle giant who loves to play sports and with G.I. Joe. He is Kelly's best friend. They are on the same teams in church, community center, and school. He is easy going and slow to anger, but aggressive when playing. He is very protective of his family and friends, especially Kelly who he thinks of as his brother.
Then when he sees Kelly as a girl, he falls in love with her and becomes her boyfriend, even though he knows that she is a boy. It is during a night of passion that he discovers that his love is returned, yet even though his family supports him and Kelly, he fears the retaliation from the hate-mongers that caused him to reject Kelly.
Then he stands up to them and in doing so ends their legacy of hate, but not before the price has been paid, leaving Kelly broken and in despair. When she recovers, she accepts his friendship and completes her transition into becoming a woman to find Johnny there for her.
After an accident, he awakens to find Kelly there for him. During this time, they reconcile and he finds that his passion for her is now love and they marry, uniting two hearts into one as their souls merge in that mystical union of marriage.
Later, when Kelly's Faith is low, he gives her hope that she will be a birth mother which comes true. When she faces her enemy once again, it is this Love for her that prevents her second attempted suicide and healing from her utter despair.
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Juliet Marie Woods is a petite hazel eyed blond Barbie doll who loves to cheer and dance. She is Kelly's girlfriend. She has an empathic gift to discern and treat sick animals and humans that leads her into becoming a surgeon and later, a psychiatrist due to her friendship with Kelly.
It is due to a kidnapping and rape that Julie finds her husband to be, who agrees with her on her decision to give Kelly the gift of a Love Child to honor her sacrifice. It is due to a psychiatrist's decision that Kelly wants to be a girl and gives her drugs that send her through a girl's puberty that sends Kelly onto her journey to be a woman.
Julie has the last of his sperm harvested so that she may have a child by Kelly boy. She marries Mark White who accepts Julie and Kelly's child as his own and later, has the joy of fathering a child with Julie.
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Andrea Lynn Woods is the mother of Julie and Johnny Woods. She is a tiny Oriental woman who looks like Lucy Lu. She loves to paint and do jigsaw puzzles. She has given away framed and completed puzzles as gifts.
Her best friends are the Moore's. When Stuart Moore died, Terri became her adopted sister and Kelly her adopted son in her heart. She loves Kelly as her daughter/son and totally approves of Kelly being first Julie's boyfriend, then Johnny's girlfriend when Kelly discovers the girl within.
She serves as Sunday School Teacher, Nursery Worker, and Teacher in her Church, often called upon when help is needed. She is the silent strength that holds both her family and Church together.
When Kelly and Johnny fall in Love, she knows that they must overcome many obstacles and calls upon her inner strength, knowing that it will be needed in the days ahead. For Julie, she is Julie's confidant when she is kidnapped and Terri's anchor when she learns how she failed Kelly.
Andrea Lynn Woods became an Art Teacher in Pastor Patrick's Church. Her skill with painting and puzzles led to her scholarship in Art. She went on to earn her Teaching Certificate because she loves teaching and art. She willingly retired when Julie and Johnny were born so she could raise them. But by the time she was ready to teach again, Stu Moore died and she dedicated herself to helping raising Kelly Moore and her twins. Now she was returning to her career.
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Charles Tyler Woods is a tall and rugged blue-eyed blond who looks as if he could easily be a lumberjack with his long hair and facial hair, or the next Fabio for Doctor Ruth. He loves to cook and invent new dishes for his restaurants and catering business. He also like to tinker with old appliances.
He began Wood's Enterprises with Wood's Family Restaurant, over time his love of cooking leads him to create new and exciting dishes that are fat, sugar and MSG free as well as dishes catering to those with allergies.
With his business savvy, soon added other businesses as well, following the dictates that made him a success as his employees learn from him and apply his wisdom in their lives.
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Joe Donald Moore is a gray haired blue eyed gentle giant. He overcame his bigotry against trans-gendered girls when his son Brian was forced to become a girl named Debbie. He is fiercely protective of his family, especially his new daughter Debbie. When Kelly comes to live with him, he honors Stu's memories and becomes Kelly's Grandpa, honoring Stu's memory
He grows a bit of everything upon his farm. and in greenhouses, he grows special spices and herbs and sells his produce to Mister Woods for his stores and restaurants.
He also raises cattle, pigs and poultry and had his own butcher shop and smokehouse where he seasons and cures his meat that he sells to Mister Woods for his stores and restaurants along with eggs from his chicken, ducks and geese, making his farm is the largest privately owned farm in the state.
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Lizzie Jane Moore is gray haired version of her daughter Terri Lynn. She loves canning, preserving using Grandpa's produce. She has won many an award at the county fair for her entries in cooking, quilts and bedspreads from sewing, knitting and crocheting that are keepsakes that she either give as presents or sells and gives the proceeds to the church.
Many of her creations adorn the restaurants and businesses of Woods Enterprises with many sold in Church Yard Sales with proceeds donated to the Church as well as a selection of her frozen and canned cooking.
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Pastor Patrick West is the Pastor of the Tri-County First United Methodist Church which he took over after former pastor Linden Avery was disbarred for trying to seduce a recently widowed mother. Under Pastor Patrick's leadership, the Church has regained its former place as Community Leader as Church Membership grows, allowing for expansion of the ministries.
He loves all people and has instituted a Radical Hospitality Policy of welcoming all people regardless of their gender identity or sexual identity leading the community in embracing the Trans-Gender Community.
When Pastor Patrick took over, he immediately started a healing process that healed many of the hurts and gave the Church the Vision to form the Special Needs School for handicapped students. Part of that Vision was to Minister to the trans-gendered, so under his leadership the Church openly sought out and invited them to join.
At first, both the Church and community were reluctant, but when the Rainbow Fellowship merged with the Church, the influx of openly crossdressers, gay, lesbian, and transgendered ended the doubt merging eased the doubt caused by Linden's confusion.
Slowly, over the years, those who left were returning. They had all come back because they enjoyed listening to my concerts and the Pot Luck Dinner served after the Evening Service. Now, the hurt feelings were healed and those that had stayed home were returning. Best of all, those returning were bringing in others as well.
To help the congregation to meld together, Pastor Patrick asked for Volunteer Counselors to help ease the returning members into Sunday School Classes and form new classes for the now burgeoning membership. It took a while to properly train them, but after training, the new counselors were able to smooth any ruffled feathers.
Because of the increase, he finally got the help he needed in Associate and Student Pastors who lightened his load and preached the Sermon at different Services, when he met Kelly, he knew that she was a Godsend.
Young Kelly's an tics and love of life reawakened many stone cold hearts in both the Church and school, leading those who had lost their way to renew their Faith and forget the past.
Thanks to Kelly's influence, he was finally seeing his Vision come to fruition. When Linden Avery was defrocked, he led away many who listened to his spouting bigotry and hatred much as his White Supremist teachings.
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Joanne West is the wife of Patrick West. She is the Church's Youth Director/Music Minister. She has a love for children and music that helps to keep her grounded because she is unable to conceive. She sees the Acolytes a Little Angels and often invites the Church children over for a weekend fun time.
When Kelly joins the Church and becomes an Acolyte, Joanne sees a child who is full of Life and as she learns about Kelly, Joanne unlearns the strict conservative teachings she was taught and embraces her husband's teachings. She totally accepts Kelly's transition in spite of her conservative upbringing that condemned people like Kelly.
As Kelly grows up, Joanne sees the inner turmoil that Kelly and Johnny endures and leads the Church into opening up a counseling center to help other girls like Kelly.
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Father Peter Downing is a Catholic Priest in charge of a Rest Area Chapel where he holds services for the many local drivers that frequent the area. He retired to the Chapel after years of faithful service to the Church and now is free of the restriction placed on him by the Church and its limited view on the T.G. and women in the Ministry.
When Terry and Kelly visit the chapel, Kelly's innocence reawaken's his Heart that had been broken. Now healed, he and Mary seek out their children and reunite with them and Father Downing starts ministering in other chapels now that his son has joined him at the Rest Area Chapel.
Later, he became Associate Pastor in charge of the Evening Worship Service and Sunday School as well as operating the Counseling Center at Pastor Pat's Church. He retired from being the Catholic Priest of the Rest Area Chapel to let his 'adopted' son Peter Downing Junior take over. His long tenure and viewpoint led to sermons filled with humor and insight. His long life and wisdom balances well with Pastor Pat's vim and vigor.
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Sister Mary Angello is a Catholic Nun who has twins by Father Downing after she comforts him when he loses his sister. They let her parents raise the twins, but let them know who their parents are. Their daughter has chosen to be a Methodist Minister while her brother chose to be a Catholic Priest, a choice that their parents heartily approve of. Now both share duties with their father who now ministers in hospital Chapels as well.
When Peter Downing retires, she became the Nursery Director of the expanded nursery. Before, it was run by the children's parents. But with the increase, the Church hired a complete staff. In the Convent, she grew up caring for the younger children, earning her Doctorates in Child Development, and Child Psychology. Under her leadership, the Nursery became a haven of peace for harried parents. Mary's love for children helped her to become the children's favorite Nanny.
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Teresa Marie Downing, daughter of Peter and Mary, became a Student Pastor and Music Minister. She went to Seminary to become a Pastor and Music Minister. She learned to play the guitar, organ, and piano while growing up as well as the violin.
She chose to be a Methodist Minister while her brother chose to be a Catholic Priest, a choice that their parents heartily approve of. Now both share duties with their father who now ministers in hospital Chapels as well.
She, as the Pastor of the Children's Church with help from Julie and her spouse Mark, taught the children Bible Stories and how to be a good Christian.
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Harold Oscar Branch [Hob] is an elderly black man with a gray hair, almost as tall as Edward Stuart Moore. He is Moore's Commanding Officer. When Stewart Moore joined the Force, he impressed him with his love for his family and passion for the Law.
As he nears retirement, Hob chooses Stu to replace him as Police Chief of Tri-City over many equally qualified detectives who are not ready to replace him. They agree that Stu is the best candidate other than Hob's son, Hob Junior.
Hob cares for the Officers under his Command and finds having to tell the families when their husband or brother dies to be his most dreadful duty. He picked Stuart Moore as his successor, but with his death, Harold has chosen his son Harold Oscar Branch Junior.
Officially, Harold Oscar Branch Senior became the Truant Officer after retiring and passing the torch onto his son Harold Oscar Branch Junior. Going back to being a Truant Officer restored his waning youth as he got back to the job he loved. As a Truant Officer, he proved to be a grandfatherly figure who the students loved.
In retirement, Hob creates a private investigation service: HOB'S INVESTIGATION financed by WOODS ENTERPRISES to provide TRi-City with a private security service capable of acting where the Constabulary and Police can't. It is thanks to Hob that Constable Sebastian has the information he needs when official channels run dry.
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Renee, Sebastian, Romero, Shaw is a lifelong friend of Stu Moore and Hob. He felt that Stu should have qualified for being a Park Ranger, yet happy that his friend stayed. He led the young Stu into becoming a Police Officer when his brother Brian was attacked and turned into Debbie.
As he saw his friend marry Terri and start a family, Sebastian felt lonely and married his childhood sweetheart Marilyn Jacobs. Their love ended tragically when she died soon after giving birth to their son, Augustus Avery Shaw.
Distraught, he seeks solace in Marilyn's widowed mother, Constance Jacobs. She mourns her daughter and finds a reason to live after burying her husband Anton Jeffers Jacob. She convinces Sebastian to let her raise his son, he agrees on the condition that Augustus knows of his heritage.
As Sebastian, now able to devote more energy to being a constable, finds the litany of Avery Linden to be hate filled against those he sees as abominations. So Sebastian vows to protect Brian who is now Debbie from Linden's attacks only to expand his scope when he learns about Kelly.
After Kelly and Johnny marry, he finds new love in Kelly's mother Terri Lynn who after years of loneliness, accepts his overtures of friendship and begins making plans to wed Sebastian, ending in their marriage.
He becomes a stalwart friend to Kelly and Debbie, helping them as much as he can as Chief Constable only to lay aside the mantle of office when Kelly's son is kidnapped by Linden. In the end, he retires and passes his mantle of leadership onto his son who becomes the new Chief Constable.
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Augustus Avery Shaw is Sebastian's son. He has followed in his father's footsteps and is now a County Constable who is sweet on Debbie Moore. He grew up knowing Brian as his best friend who shared the secret that dressing as a girl for Halloween was because he wanted to be a girl.
When Linden Avery instigated the attack that forced Brian to become Debbie, Augustus accepted Debbie which helped he to overcome the nightmares from the assault.
Later, when Debbie accepted Kelly into her home to help her deal with her sexuality, it started Augustus marrying Debbie, sealing their Love for each other with the Blessing of Debbie becoming a birth mother.
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David Lee Hornsby became the Boy's Head Coach, but still coaches at the Community Center. His administration and leadership of the Community Center and creating a Special Needs facility for mentally and/or physically challenged, and wheelchair bound people encouraged the participation of Special Needs people. He led several teams to earn a Championship Award or Trophy in different sports and now would work his special magic on the student body. He answered the Call for his position to give back to the Church he loves.
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Principal Rudy Jacob Franklin is a gray eyed redheaded small stature man. He went to college on a tennis scholarship and teaches tennis at community center. He is very supportive of Kelly and others like him in honor of Debbie Moore because he was her teacher when she was attack and forced to change gender.
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Doctor Isaiah Ezekiel Benjamin is a full blooded Jewish family doctor who looks like Jamie Farr. He became a U.S. citizen when he left Israel after his family was killed by terrorists. He supports a person's right to choose their gender in memory of his best friend who never had the courage to transition. He discovers Kelly's change and tells Kelly the news and gives her medicine to halt the transition that leaves her in puberty limbo.
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Coach Benjamin Joseph Adam Cartwright is a curly haired huge brunette with blue eyes. His father named him after the fictional Cartwrights of Bonanza. Like his dad, Benjamin grew up to be a raw-boned tall man. He enjoys working with his hands in woodwork and an avid shade tree mechanic.
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David Lee Hornsby is a Black retired quarterback. He suffered a severe back injury in high school that forced him to stop playing. But he went to college to become a coach because he loves the game and children. He coaches for the community center.
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Principal Rudy Jacob Franklin is a gray eyed redheaded small stature man. He went to college on a tennis scholarship and teaches tennis at the community center. He is very supportive of Kelly and others like him in honor of Debbie Moore because he was her teacher when she was attack and forced to change gender.
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Augustus Armstrong: Heisman Award winner from Alabama. He led the team to consecutive national titles before graduating and sponsoring programs to help the under-privileged to help them to find the athlete in them, and give them a chance to attend a game.
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Chris W. Bond: Olympic Gold Medalist in Gymnastics is happily married to Rachel Anne. When Rachel Anne learned of her pregnancy, Kelly kept her from despairing and committing suicide, urged her talk to Chris, the father of the child. Under Kelly's guidance, they reconcile, and marry. Chris, Olympian, and sports hero, has devoted his career to helping the Trans-Gendered Community.
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Sasha Nexus: Olympic Gold Medalist in Figure Skating is happily married to Mark Henry. She has two sisters who travel with her to help organize her itinerary to keep her focused. She and her husband were, and still are great debaters and use their skills to further the rights of the Trans-Gendered Community
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Angel O'Hare: Olympic Gold Medalist in Cycling, learned of her inter-sexed status when she developed as a girl in puberty. She was then given her grandmother's name, and her father's surname. She became an advocate for women cyclists and the Trans-Gendered Community because of her unique nature.
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Maggie 'The Kitten' O'Malley is Angel's twin sister who is devoted to her by helping to keep her schedule. She gained the nickname of Kitten from her adopting every stray in the neighborhood.
She visits the local Humane Society of whichever city she is in and rallies support for homeless pets, telling stories about the misadventures of her kitten, Cuddles and Beagle Bailey.
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Officer Donald Whitehead looked like a surfer dude. His tanned physique and blond curly hair won him many girlfriends and invitations to parties that led to his downfall. He lost his commission after calling in with a
hangover that caused Stuart Moore's death. Now, barred from any civil
service job, he concentrates on becoming a bodybuilder.
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Pastor Gregory Avery Linden is a weak eyed bald old-style, Bible-thumping, fire & brimstone preacher that hates any and all that goes against his sensibilities. His narrow minded view has caused him to form an army of bashers that hunt down undesirables.
When the Tri-City Methodist Church disbars him for attacking Brian and having sexual relations with Church members, he leads away half of the congregation to form Tri-City Ministries where he continues his war against the transgendered.
Over time, he focuses his hatred on Kelly Moore, leading Kelly's many pitfalls that she overcomes. When he learns that Kelly is a birth mother, it leads to a final confrontation.
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To Be Continued...