Uploading Images to TG Fiction dot NET is a simple pricess really.
Firstly, you need to be logged into your account. IF you are already logged in, �then find the "Account Info" links on any page and click one.
If you need to login to your account, login and you will be moved to the "Account Info" link.
One on the Account Info page, find and click the "Manage Images" link.
Once on the "Manage Images" page, here is a sample of what you will see.
- Image Filename, shows the Filename of an uploaded image.
- HTML Code shows the sample HTML code for said image.
- View links to the image so that you can see/preview it.
- Delete deletes the image
- Upload New Images brings up the upload form.
To upload new images, click the "Upload New Images" link. Once on the Mange Images upload form, click on "Choose File" to select a file.�
Once you click "Choose File" you will be presented with a file selection dialog, Just browse to the folder and select the correct file to upload. We recomend using only JPG, JPEG, GIF and PNG images.
BMP images are definately NOT recomended for web use.
The "ePub Cover" selection can ONLY use JPG/JPEG/GIF/PNG images.
You will now be presented with the Manage Images upload form again. You will see the filename of the image you selected on the page.
You can repeat this process to upload as many as 5 images at a time. Just click a different "Choose File" button each time.
Once you have all the images you want to upload, just click the "Upload" button at the bottom of the form.
You will find your self back at the primary "Manage Images page with all the files you just uploaded present, and a �"Upload Success" line for each image at the top. If there were any errors uploading images, they will show here.�
If you wish to upload more images, just repeat this process.