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Reviewer: stienbeck Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04 Aug 2015 - 04:58 pm Title: Chapter 7

Oh boy! what a cracking tale,left wide open for lots more fun and mishappenchance,I love it.XXXXX F.

Reviewer: Sara Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 13 Jan 2010 - 10:20 pm Title: Chapter 1

i hope the next part is comming soon

Reviewer: Denise Em Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Apr 2009 - 11:13 am Title: Chapter 7

> The End...Maybe?


Oh, I sincerely hope not.  Surely, there has to be a greater story of the aftermath.

All in your own good time, of course.  :)


with warm regard,






Author's Response:

I'm using Author Response to post this, but I'm NOT the Author.....

I'm Piper aka Kirstyn Amanda Fox

"The End...Maybe?"

Is inserted at the end of the last posted chapter of any story marked as "Not Complete" in when posted.

It's ment to tell you that the story is marked as "Not Complete" and at the same time, let you know you are at the last posted chapter.

Sorry for all the confusion this has caused.


Reviewer: Jezzi Belle Stewart Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 21 Apr 2009 - 02:46 am Title: Chapter 7


I would like to see this continue.  From Chapter 6 we learn that Emily is taking pleasure in seeing Brian Feminized and wants it to continue.  

**  “I know but what can we do, run away?” Emily replied. She expressed sympathy to Brian but was secretly enjoying his discomfort and the additional layers of femininithat
were being applied.  **

I wonder if that will continue now that he has proved to be the hero. And also from what was written, I'm not sure she would if it became aparant that "she" was starting to like it. I'm not sure if Julie likes Eric's feminization and wants to see it continued or not. (I hope so.  I hope the two girls are not done with Erica and Brianna yet. ... And I hope both do eventually come to like being gurls, even if only part time. )


Reviewer: Jezzi Belle Stewart Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 27 Mar 2009 - 03:21 am Title: Chapter 1

It's been several weeks since an update. I do hope more chapters of this EXCELLENT story are on their way.

Author's Response:

Soon, work's been a bit mad recently


Reviewer: GrammarPolice Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 13 Mar 2009 - 11:08 am Title: Chapter 6

Sorry, but the lack (or at least, small amount) of commas makes the story seem a little bit less professional. It's just a little bit odd, missing that punctuation...

Reviewer: Angel OHare Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2009 - 08:41 am Title: Chapter 1

Great start now if I can find a chapter or part 2, I'll be happy.

Nice start Amanda



Author's Response:

Angel, there are plenty of chapters to go at and another on it's way shortly.


Love Amanda

Reviewer: Jezzi Belle Stewart Signed [Report This]
Date: 02 Feb 2009 - 01:43 am Title: Chapter 5

Congrats! Absolutely first rate story!  Can't wait to see what Emily's "other plans" are.  I can see Sharon getting a couple of helpers and Alen getting his favorite models back - anxious to see how you do it.

Reviewer: Barbara Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25 Jan 2009 - 01:44 am Title: Chapter 1

This is a darling story Amanda. If I had my way, every guy would be foreced to go through estrogen and maternity training for 2 years. Well 9 months for the maternity. but the rest of the time for the estrogen training.

I loved the way they were going to the boys our of their "predicament"? But then the fire alarm sounded. Now this is getting very interesting. I will want to find out a lot more.


Reviewer: Denise Em Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23 Jan 2009 - 08:40 pm Title: Chapter 4

Okay.  This is geniunely ~funny~.  


I canardly contain myself, waiting for the next chapter.


Reviewer: Denise Em Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17 Jan 2009 - 01:45 pm Title: Chapter 1

Excellent set-up.  You have me hooked; I'm looking forward to the next chapter.


Reviewer: Kristi Fitzpatrick Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16 Jan 2009 - 01:33 pm Title: Chapter 1

Nice start but so much more to cover. Hope you continue as you write very well. Story looks very promising.

Hugs, Kristi

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