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Site Info
Members: 48246
Series: 17
Stories: 166
Chapters: 523
Word count: 2391634
Authors: 86
Reviews: 4012
Reviewers: 202
Newest Member: arabec
Challenges: 3
Challengers: 3
Recommendations: 6
Recommenders: 4

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I had an interesting job - part 4 by deborah karen Rated: Mature Audiences - Explicit (Age 18+) (MA) starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 92]

The continued adventures of Ian as he embarks on yet another impersonation to help out his friends at work. Ian's become quite practiced at being a girl these days and it seems as if he's really enjoying his job!

Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult 26-55
Categories: Crossdressing/TV
Genre: None
Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon
Story Universe: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 19 Mar 2014
In Her Shoes by deborah karen Rated: Mature Audiences - Explicit (Age 18+) (MA) starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 172]
Summary: This is a new story with a new main character. Mikey is Amanda's best friend. Trouble is she only needs him around when she hasn't got a boyfriend. Mikey doesn't see why Amanda should have all the fun so when she asks him to look after things when she goes sking with a new bf Mikey decides to see what life is really like for Amanda in her shoes.

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2011 Deborah Karen. All rights reserved.

This is a new story. It doesn't have a connection to my 'Interesting Job' series and I may well return to Ian/Leanne in the future. This one is inspired by real events. I hope you and enjoy it and if you do leave a review

Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult 26-55
Categories: Crossdressing/TV
Genre: Fantasy
Keywords: Very High Heels
Story Universe: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 21 Nov 2011
I had an interesting job - part 3 by deborah karen Rated: Mature Audiences - Explicit (Age 18+) (MA) starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 98]

This is the third instalment of the story of Ian a young clerk in legal chambers. Ian was coerced into dressing as a girl to help out his firm. Having completed that to their satisfaction he has now been asked to don another female disguise. In the meantime Ian has met Paul who has taken Leanne (Ian's alter ego) on a date. Ian is about to find out that Paul has a secret of his own. 


This story is a bit more explicit than my others. I hope that doesn't put anyone off. I have loved getting your feedback on the first two chapters. Please leave a review and tell me what you think as that really motivates me to write more!

Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult to College Age AR
Categories: None
Genre: Adventure
Keywords: Very High Heels
Story Universe: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 11 Jun 2011
I had an interesting job - part two by deborah karen Rated: Mature Audiences - Explicit (Age 18+) (MA) starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 6]

This is the next chapter in the story of Ian. An ordinary boy working in an ordinary legal chambers who life changes when he is coerced into dressing as a girl to help out his boss on a case. 


Thanks to everyone who reviewed the story and wrote such nice things. You have inspired me to continue. Please let me know what you think of this next bit and if you would like the story to continue. 


Deborah Karen x 

Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult to College Age AR
Categories: Crossdressing/TV
Genre: None
Keywords: Very High Heels
Story Universe: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 13 May 2011
I had an interesting job by deborah karen Rated: Mature Audiences - Explicit (Age 18+) (MA) starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 10]

Ian, a clerk in a solictors office gets lots of surprises when he is asked to pose a lawyer to win a case for his firm. 

Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult to College Age AR
Categories: Secretary/Office
Genre: Adventure
Keywords: Long Finger Nails
Story Universe: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 09 Mar 2011
In the land of Home Acres by grandma Rated: Younger Audiences (Age 5+) (K) starstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 12]

A young boy is sent to a special camp from school to change his "whatever" attitude however uppon arrival strange things begin to occur and the male campers including Ryan and his pals begin to slowly change over the course of thier month's stay into girls. The mysterious transformations seem to stem from the mysteriously vacant "Camp Captain" and her staff of only female employees. As campers also begin to dissapear aswell as change Ryan and the other occupants of Cabin 6 begin to investigat and secretly try to find some sort of reversal for the changes without the staff of Home Acres knowing.   

Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult to Teen AR
Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change
Genre: Mystery
Keywords: Hormones
Story Universe: None
Completed: No
[Report This] Added: 10 Apr 2009
I Know by Kim EM Rated: Mature Audiences (Age 16+) (M) [Reviews - 1]
Summary: I moved into a new demographic group this morning, something I seem to be doing with dismaying regularity of late...
Categories: Non-Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Pre-Teen to Adult AP
Categories: Age Progression, Articles/Essays/and Information
Genre: None
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Completed: Yes
[Report This] Added: 08 Oct 2008 Webutation