As teens, best friends Mark and Jake used hypnosis to bend people, mostly girls, to their will. Now adults, Mark has had a change of heart, but Jake is still at it. When Jake questions Mark's skill as a hypnotist, Mark shows him who the real master is.
Read Story:
- Don't You Remember? - [Reviews - 24] - (3126 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Deals, Bets or Dares, Mind Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed
Genre: Erotica, Romance
Keywords: Hormones, Long Finger Nails, Very High Heels
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3126 Read Count: 18570 ePub Downloads: 18941

A young nobles son is has his life changed after he angers the queen
Read Story:
- The transformation of Lady James - [Reviews - 16] - (3679 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Crossdressing/TV, Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Stuck
Genre: Historical
Keywords: Wedding Dress or Married
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 3679 Read Count: 12922 ePub Downloads: 4546
A man is kidnapped by a mystirious unseen kidnapper and is kept in a very girlish room that seems to be specifically designed for slowly feminizing a man.
Read Story:
- The Kidnapping - [Reviews - 24] - (1670 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Stuck, The Operation
Genre: Mystery
Keywords: Breast Implants, Hair or Hair Salon, Hormones, Long Finger Nails
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1670 Read Count: 30490 ePub Downloads: 5388

Spacers get their hands on some advanced alien technology and unwittingly turn themselves into female clones.
Read Story:
- Ben and Streek: Overcloned - [Reviews - 13] - (6686 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Mind Transfer/Mind Possession
Genre: Science Fiction
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6686 Read Count: 12697 ePub Downloads: 4891

Read Story:
- Always and Forever: Across Space and Time - [Reviews - 13] - (1305 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Magical Transformations
Genre: Fantasy
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1305 Read Count: 7958 ePub Downloads: 4383
Jack only wanted to help out his mother
Read Story:
- Get that girl a uniform - [Reviews - 9] - (3702 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Caught with Consequences, Crossdressing/TV, Femdom/Authoritarian, Secretary/Office, Sweet and Sentimental
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3702 Read Count: 20151 ePub Downloads: 3729

A young man must live as a woman while hiding from the mob and the police. He must take pretty extreme measures to make sure he won't be found out.
Read Story:
- Paul, is that really you?? - [Reviews - 6] - (3272 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: The Operation, Undercover/Detective
Genre: Crime
Keywords: Breast Implants, Hormones, Wedding Dress or Married
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3272 Read Count: 26737 ePub Downloads: 3456
Poor Derek. All his hopes for a future had been dashed thanks to the Apprenticeship he got for himself during the annual choosing festivities. Now all he wanted to do was forget his troubles and enjoy himself for one afternoon by attending the festival's tournament with his little sister.
Unfortunately for Derek, the gods, or fate had other plans for his simple afternoon of watching the knights and squires he had dreamed of joining.
Read Story:
- Maiden by Decree - [Reviews - 5] - (3682 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Magical Transformations
Genre: Comedy
Keywords: Petticoats and Crinolines
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 3682 Read Count: 11938 ePub Downloads: 3185

Follow along with our hero as he tells the story of a guy (himself) who was brought along for the ride in his girlfriend's mad quest for perfection in costuming in preparation for the masquerade at an anime convention called Otakon. There is humor, (a tiny bit of) romance, and an experience he will never forget! It's set slightly in the future, and is told as a series of blog entries.
Read Story:
- Preparations: The Quest for the Perfect Cosplay! - [Reviews - 5] - (2594 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult 26-55, College Age 19-26
Categories: Crossdressing/TV, Deals, Bets or Dares, Pop Culture
Genre: Comedy
Keywords: Appliances Attached, Corsets, Images
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2594 Read Count: 11948 ePub Downloads: 3592
What can go wrong at an anime convention? You'll have to read to find out!
Read Story:
- The Convention - [Reviews - 1] - (2825 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult 26-55, College Age 19-26
Categories: Crossdressing/TV, Deals, Bets or Dares, Pop Culture
Genre: Comedy
Keywords: Petticoats and Crinolines
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2825 Read Count: 13090 ePub Downloads: 2421
Kyle never knew his family or where he came from. After growing up on the streets and finally finding something meaningful to do with his life, he still feels as out of place as he always has. The recurring dreams of another place and a mysterious woman still haunt him. He wants answers, and grows more restless as time goes on. But the truth will soon be revealed and he will be transformed in ways he never thought possible. Can he accept the truth he has been chasing for so long? Can he accept the responsibilities that will be thrust on him along with that truth?
Latest Chapter:
Table of Contents:
- Chapter 1 - [Reviews - 8] - (1663 words)
- Chapter 2 - [Reviews - 3] - (2421 words)
- Chapter 3 - [Reviews - 1] - (1979 words)
- Chapter 4 - [Reviews - 4] - (2674 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Magical Transformations
Genre: Fantasy
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 8737 Read Count: 56400 ePub Downloads: 3748
A stranded motorist has to find a phone. Help arrives in the shape of a Rolls Royce, and a young widower who wishes only to have his wife back. Cliched, transformational jollity ensues.
Read Story:
- Breakdown - [Reviews - 4] - (3493 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Magical Transformations
Genre: Erotica
Keywords: Wedding Dress or Married
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 3493 Read Count: 32436 ePub Downloads: 2329
A coven of witches moves to a small town, eager to slowly take it over. Poor Mike has no idea of their plan, or how it will play out for him when he accepts an invitation to their house.
Read Story:
- "Test Successful" - [Reviews - 8] - (4191 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Magical Transformations
Genre: Erotica
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 4191 Read Count: 39996 ePub Downloads: 2163
When Charlotte's father returns unexpectedly and finds Brian in bed with her, he decides to prove the boy's fitness for his daughter with a Test of Character.
Read Story:
- Test of Character - [Reviews - 3] - (12838 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Crossdressing/TV
Genre: Action
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 12838 Read Count: 10941 ePub Downloads: 2235

Read Story:
- The Prodigal - [Reviews - 11] - (9080 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Seasonal
Genre: Drama
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 9080 Read Count: 13483 ePub Downloads: 2658
Latest Chapter:
Table of Contents:
- Chapter 1 - [Reviews - 162] - (5580 words)
- Chapter 2 - [Reviews - 1] - (2725 words)
- Chapter 3 - [Reviews - 1] - (2938 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: College Age 19-26
Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Stuck
Genre: Drama
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 11243 Read Count: 33215 ePub Downloads: 3168