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Point Of View- Spike's View-1
Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Spike talks about the story.    

I am Spike, I am a dormouse. My Mother is Cathy. Why she is so large and don't live in a house like I do, I don't know, but I love my Mum and that's alright.


Mum at first looked and smelled like a Daddy, but then she began to smell and look like a Mum. Is that what I will do later? Will I grow big and smell like a Daddy then Smell and look like a Mum? All that I do know is that I am a Dormouse Mum and tht's lright with me.

Mum feeds me real well to. Whenever she holds me, she gives me a nut to eat. When Mum does that, I like to thank her and my Mum seems to enjoy it too. I am so glad because I just want to please my Mum so much.

But Mum was almost hurt one time. she came to feed me and another big Mum was there too. Mum talked to the other Mum, then they left and I heard the other Mum saying how she was going to hurt my Mum.

I was scared because who would love me like my Mum? Then my Big Daddy spoke up and I knew that everything would be alright. I heard a loud crack of thunder, then that other Mum was silent. I guess that she went away because she afraid of thunder.

My Daddy is way bigger than my Mum. he has a big belly and loves to laugh too. I like him and am gad that he is mt Daddy too.

One time, my Mum and Daddy had a bunch of other Mum and Daddy dormice around me. Mum held me and gave me my nut. I thanked her as I always do. Then lightning began to flash and I went to my Mum for safety.

Mum got me from where I was hid and placed me back home with another nut. I knew she would protect me from harm. i just wish that I hadn't peed on my Mum, but I was really scared. I am glad that Mum loves me so.

One day Mum got me out and gave me a nut. Then a wee little Mum started to yell. She sounded like a banshee, so I jumped up high to get away.

After Banshee Mum left, I saw my mum and flew back to her. I landed upon her then scrambled around and snuggled down upon her breast and got comfy. Mum then put me back home and gave me another nut.

I live in a nice house filed with other dormice that are my family. Mum brings a Daddy dormouse to me when I feel funny, after Mum takes him away, I then have a litter of babies. Why Mum never has any litters, I don't know. Will I become like my Mum one day? That would be nice. Then I could care for litters like my Mum does.

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