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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended

Rated: Younger Audiences (Age 5+) (K)
Categories: Fiction Characters: None
Age Group: Not Applicable
Categories: Articles/Essays/and Information
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Keywords: None
Story Universe: Gaby
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No
Word count: 35076 Read: 135251
Published: 04 Jul 2010 Updated: 11 Jul 2010
Story Notes:

Gaby Verse - Point Of View
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where different characters from a story talks about the story.

1. Gaby Verse - Point Of View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (15 words)

2. Gaby Verse - Bernie's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (2292 words)

3. Gaby Verse - Britney's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (2429 words)

4. Gaby Verse - Carol Peters' View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (3034 words)

5. Gaby Verse - Cat's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (2529 words)

6. Gaby Verse - Debbie's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (2455 words)

7. Gaby Verse - Drew's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (4046 words)

8. Gaby Verse - John Ward's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (1255 words)

9. Gaby Verse - Gran's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (2996 words)

10. Gaby Verse - Jenny's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (2242 words)

11. Gaby Verse - Maddy's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (2541 words)

12. Gaby Verse - Rhod's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (2482 words)

13. Gaby Verse - Sandy's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (2365 words)

14. Gaby Verse - Sylvie's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (2520 words)

15. Gaby Verse - Woody's View by Stanman63 [Reviews - 0] (1875 words) Webutation