They wern't expecting, this by Amanda Walker
Summary: Two school boys have to attend another class when they cannot go on a trip with their usual group. They end up expecting in a manner of speaking.
Categories: Fiction Characters: None
Age Group: Teenager 13-18
Categories: Bizarre Body Modifications, Body Suits, Caught with Consequences, Crossdressing/TV, Deals, Bets or Dares, Stuck, Sweet and Sentimental
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Keywords: Appliances Attached, Hair or Hair Salon, Pregnant/Having a Baby
Story Universe: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 11794 Read: 151154 Published: 11 Jan 2009 Updated: 20 Apr 2009
Chapter 2 by Amanda Walker
Author's Notes:
The boys are well and truly stuck in character, they end up taking different paths

Chapter 2


This was clearly not a practice and the fire warden was most insistent that they get a move on and clear the building.

The boys were surprised by the girls who took them by the arm and set off down the stairs.

“We can’t go out like this” said Eric.

“And your alternative is?” replied Julie. “Don’t worry we’ll look after you.”

They headed into the entrance hall and in the confusion they became separated. Eric and Julie were at the rear of the building and Brian and Emily at the front.


Brian had been feeling the weight of the belly far worse than Eric and was clearly labouring as he walked from the building.

“I’ve got to sit down.” He wheezed.

“We’ve got to move further away from the building, we can sit on that garden wall over there.” Emily could feel the weight on her arm increasing as Brian struggled.

They made it to the low wall and Brian sat down with great relief.


Eric and Julie moved out with the crowd gathered at the fire point. There was clearly a lot of smoke coming from the canteen area and it had entered a lot of the building. They could hear the sirens of the emergency services getting closer as there was a muffled boom and the windows blew out of the lower floor. Fortunately there was no one nearby, one of the fire wardens said “you’ll not be going back in there today!”

They waited as the fire brigade arrived and started their work, eventually a fire warden with a loud hailer appeared. “For the 6th form, if you can get home OK then you may leave, otherwise go to the church hall, we have asked the school bus companies to arrive early.”

“I’m not going in there dressed like this.”

“I can assure you no one will recognise you, Emily can really do wonders with makeup.”

“I saw what she did but I think the teachers might wonder who I am.”

“Fair point, so what shall we do?”

“Well I could murder a coffee and a sticky bun.” Eric licked his lips, although that made him realise he was wearing lipstick and gloss. “Why not ring the others and let them know.”

“Good call, I was lucky enough to grab my bag, but I don’t remember seeing the others with theirs.” Julie tried several numbers but got no reply. “Nothing, I don’t think you want to go waddling around trying to find them, let’s go, Nero or Costa?”

“Nero, nicer cakes.”

The coffee shop was only a couple of minutes away from the campus, Eric found walking easier once he’d understood the rhythm and could manage the fact that his centre of gravity was further forward than usual. He was still relieved to flop down in a settee, there was no way he could have got into the booth seat. Julie joined the queue for the drinks.


 Brian was very relived to be sat down but he was feeling very hot and the ‘baby’ had started kicking again, he began to feel faint again and Emily realised she was having to support him. A middle aged lady opened the door  to the house and approached the ‘girls’.

“Do you mind you two, that’s my garden wall not a park bench?”

 “I’m sorry,” replied Emily, ”but there’s been a fire at the college and my friend needed to sit down, would it be possible to have a glass of water? She’s looking a bit groggy.

“Oh I do apologise dear, she doesn’t look too good, nearly full term I shouldn’t wonder. Please, bring her into the house. I used to be a nurse you know let’s get her in. What’s her name? ”

“Thanks, I was getting a bit worried. She’s Brianna and I’m Emily.” Emily was indeed worried, how do you get out of this? She had no phone or money and a boy dressed as a pregnant teenager in her care.

“Lovely names, I’m Sharon. Can’t say I agree with being up the stick at that age but the youth of today eh?”

“Thank-you, you’re very kind.”

As they brought Brian into the house he completely flaked out, they laid him down on the settee and Sharon felt his forehead. “Oh she’s burning up, go into the kitchen and wet a cloth I’ll stay with her.”

When Emily returned Sharon was on the phone. “I’ve called an ambulance, you can’t be too careful.”

This caused Emily to freak out. “No you can’t, you mustn’t she, he isn’t, no!”

“You’re making no sense, pull yourself together dear. Oh heavens what has landed on me today.” 

Emily continued to rant and rave and shake, she was completely lost. Fortunately for Sharon an ambulance called out as a precaution to the fire was immediately on scene. The door was still open so the paramedics came straight in to the house.

“I’m concerned about both of them, Emily here is in hysterics and her friend Brianna has passed out and is running a major temperature. You can see her ‘condition’.”

“That’s Ok love, I think we’ll give this one a sedative and get her on a trolley then we’ll move her friend.” The paramedic opened his bag and quickly gave Emily an injection. She soon calmed down and they strapped her to a stretcher and took her to the ambulance. They got Brian onto another stretcher and once they’d got him into the vehicle connected an IV to get some fluids in and continued with cooling his brow with cool cloths. They then set off for the local hospital.


“I haven’t got enough money.” Julie called to Eric.

“I’m sorry, my cash is back at school.” He replied.

“Allow me young lady.” A smartly dressed businessman offered his card to the cashier. “You go and sit with your friend I’ll bring the drinks over.”

“That’s very kind of you but I’ll just cancel the cake.” Replied Julie.

“Too late, already paid for.” He smiled. “Go on I’ll catch up.”

Julie looked at Eric, shrugged her shoulders and walked over to sit with him on the setee.

“What’s his game?” Asked Eric. “Dunno.” Replied Julie. “Seems pleasant enough.”

“As long as I don’t have to sleep with him in return.” Eric smiled.

“Yeah that would be uncomfortable in your condition.” Giggled Julie.

The mysterious stranger brought their drinks and cakes.

“I apologise for imposing upon you but I’d seen you come in and was going to ask a favour anyway.”

Eric and Julie looked at each other ‘what could he need from them?’

“Allow me to introduce myself and explain, I’m Alan Smith, I had booked two models for my business today and they’ve let me down. I was walking through the town square in the vain hope of finding someone else and happened to see you going into the cafe.”

“Good to meet you Alan, I’m Julie and this is Erica. I’m not sure what we could do to help sir, I’ve never done any modelling and my friend as you can see has been eating too many pies.”

Alan laughed, “I understand your confusion, I actually need two young girls, one heavily pregnant and the other just starting.”

“So you think I look pregnant or just fat?” Julie feigned annoyance, there was nothing of her really.

“No, no I’m sorry that came out wrong, I’d like you to model fashions that work for everyone as well as the first few months of pregnancy, so we’d take two shots and use a suitable strap on belly to give you the shape.”

Eric was just taking a sip of coffee as Alan said this and laughed and coughed as it went down the wrong way. Julie shot him a look and slapped him on the back.

“Is she OK Julie?” Alan looked concerned.

“Oh Erica will be fine.” Replied Julie as she gave Eric a particularly hard slap on the back.

“My card, would you like some time to think? I do have to find someone as soon as possible I have the photographer ready at  2pm.”

Julie read the card ‘Mirabelle Contemporary Maternity Fashions  Ltd’

“To help you make your minds up the rate is 250 pounds each and you can keep all of the clothes you model.”

“£250, not bad for an afternoons work?” replied Julie.

“And think of all the lovely dresses, what a reward.” Whispered Eric sarcastically.

“Oh no, sorry that’s the hourly rate. We’ll probably need you for 4 hours.” Alan replied

Julie’s eye’s went wide, then she turned to Eric, “Wow that’s a lot of money.

“There is only one small catch of course.” He whispered. “I’m not what he thinks I am.”

“So, nobody’s perfect.” She whispered back.

“Oh so very witty……”



To be continued…..

End Notes:
Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2009 Amanda Walker. All rights reserved.
This story archived at