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From a very young age Patrick knew he was gifted but he was affraid to say it even to admitt
to himself. As the years went by Patrick was practising his gifts by himself, always with his mother
knowledge he started to have visions of that night but he didn’t know what to do. In the mean time
Melinda was helping spirits to cross over with Patrick knowing the truth. It’s ironic how many times
life can be like that, like mother like son.
By the age of 16, with full understading of his powers and especially his visions he was certain
that his father was killed. Now were the decision has been made, he will find many difficulties along his way. He will help the defensless and condemn the offensive types. And now is where the journey really begins. Beware, 'cause here comes the gifted one.
Read Story:
- Ghost Whisperer: The Next Generation - [Reviews - 1] - (6800 words)
Categories: Fiction
Characters: None
Age Group: Adult to Teen AR
Categories: Magical Transformations, Not TG (No Transgender Content)
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery
Keywords: None
Story Universe: S.P.A. Schools
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6800 Read Count: 7088 ePub Downloads: 2341