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Tragedy Of The Spirit-Revised
Chapter 16- Friendship
By PrairieGirl64
Edited By Stanman63, Proofed By JennFl and Nora Adrienne

This is a poem that I wrote about my friendship with Jenn. She was the first one to befriend me, and through her, I came to know God. Without her, and her guidance, I would not be here to post this.

I look upon friendship as a challenge and a blessing.
I look upon friendship as a curse.
I look upon friendship as a hurtful place.
I look upon friendship as a trust.
I look upon friendship as earned.
I look upon friendship as a two way street.
I look upon friendship as cautious.
I look upon friendship as a special.
I look upon friendship as respected.
I look upon friendship as beneficial.
I am blessed to have all this and more with those I have made friends with.
I am blessed and cursed due to my lack of trust. That is
I am blessed that I have made my friend with God.
I am so honored to have made friends with those while I was street savvy.
I am blessed to have made friends with Jenn, I am also blessed with those friendships I have made over the years in my advocacy.
I am also blessed with those friends I made on Big Closet. I also have friends within my church I now attend. I am blessed and honored to be able to have friends. I am blessed to have friends whom I now trust. I am hopeful that those I have as friends will remain as friends. The inspiration and strength that each possess assists me in my life, I can only hope it is returned.
I guess friend can be defined as follows:
F abulous
R eliable
I nspirational
E verywhere
N oted
D edication
I hope that we all can be friends and continue to make those friendships that we all need to survive. Those are the ones that remain everlasting. God Bless.


Dedicated to: Christine01, Stanman, John, Erin, Sephrena, Jengirl, Melanie, as well as those that I have spoken to with personal messaged. I also dedicate this to my one true friend and sister in the whole world, JENN God be with you my sister. I am coming home, one day very soon to have tea and a chat.


For me, this was the most Blessed one to post for she dedicated it to me and others. I feel that she knew that her time was short and wrote this for us.


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