Kelly's Journey-Book 2-Chapter 1-Genesis
Kelly's Journey Book 2 By Stanman63 Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To JennaFl For Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration! Synopsis:After their honeymoon, Kelly still feels empty, because she wants to be a birth mother, like Julie, her best friend. But after talking with Johnny, they agree to put hope in the idea that she is intersexed as her Aunt Debbie is. |
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Well, here I am, nursing my first born child, named after my beloved father, Stewart Moore while my dear husband Johnny is sleeping over there in his favorite recliner after our most recent lovemaking.
What makes this so miraculous is that I was born a boy, and had to finally defeat my greatest enemy. If not for the Love and support of my family, I'd not be here to tell you this story of love and miracles.
* * *
It all started back when I was a toddler of four, my Daddy Stu, a Police Officer, had been called into work. Tragedy struck as he gave his life to save an infant from a burning building. He went in when a rookie cop called in sick, but he was drunk, instead. Because of him, I lost my Daddy.
Because of his actions, that rookie's was job was terminated, but now I was suffering from nightmares that only sleeping with others stopped. Luckily, I found a solution when I wore one of my friend Julie's BatGirl tops to nap in. Momma and I were visiting the Woods' that Sunday, and I was tired from the night before, so Julie let me wear one of her tops and shorts.
They were prepared for me to wake up in a fit, but strangely, her clothes comforted me. That was the beginning of my journey, the next big thing was Halloween where I became Tinkerbell. After that, I found that I actually liked being a girl, at times.
From then on, whenever there was legitimate reason too, I'd go to school as a girl. In elementary, there was 'Show And Tell', while junior high and high school had career day. Oh, I had fun as Kelly girl, and even had the support of the entire school. Only one man sought to destroy my happiness because of his hatred for what he saw in me.
But he began his downfall when he caused my Aunt Debbie to be born. Debbie was at the time, a boy who'd chosen to dress as a girl for Halloween. That led to my then Uncle Brian into being severely beaten and castrated, turning him into a girl.
The outcome of this was the church splitting as the pastor's guilt was revealed. He left and formed his own church while the bereft church was pastored by Pastor Patrick who started the church on the road to recovery.
It was under his guidance that I blossomed as a girl and a boy. He knew that I was simply having fun as Kelly girl, but my innocence was soon to be shattered.
Due to a court ordered physical and mental exam of the students, I was prescribed estrogen which chemically castrated me. By the time that it was discovered, it was too late, I would be going through a girl's puberty.
Luckily, the doctor was able to arrest my puberty, allowing me to go through puberty as a flat chested girl with boy bits. The outcome of all of this was that I became a girl, at heart and I fell in love with Johnny, instead.
Julie was heart broken when I told her, but she knew that I couldn't live a lie for her, and decided to help me be the best girl that I could be. So I stayed as Kelly boy all through high school until my junior year when I made my choice.
Our football team was playing in a home game when I decided to attend wearing one of Momma's old cheerleader uniforms. She was an alumni, and her uniform was just as good as Julie's. In fact, there was no way to tell which was the older, unless you read the washing instructions.
That night, after the game, I finally confessed my choice to my best friends. Julie went inside while Johnny and I shared an intimate moment where I had oral sex with him, only to be outed to Momma when she came home from work.
Momma had been burying herself in her work as a secretarial aide to a doctor's clinic in order to cope with Daddy's death, not realizing that in doing so, that she'd left me without the much needed guidance that Julie and Johnny's parents gave me.
When Momma saw me dressed in her old uniform, she vowed to help me as much as she could. She knew that my love for Johnny could endanger BOTH of us, so she reluctantly set a plan into motion that in the end, helped me to become the woman that I am.
The next day, she and Julie took me out shopping in order to help me see that I was a girl, at heart, which I found that I was. But for all of that success, I failed miserably in controlling my passion when I once again, had sex with Johnny.
We'd returned home where Johnny and I once again sated my desire and when our parents found out, Momma called on help from Aunt Debbie and their Granny and Grandpa.
Aunt Debbie was living on the farm with Granny and Grandpa who had helped Aunt Debbie to overcome her ordeal and become Momma's sister. Linden, the same one who caused my loss led some of his people to attack my then Uncle Brian who was dressed as a girl for Halloween. Because of the attack, Brian lost his manhood and became Debbie.
At first, Grandpa Joe was reluctant to accept the change, but Momma and Daddy helped him to overcome his fear and welcome Debbie as his new daughter. Now, living on the farm with Granny Lillian and Aunt Debbie with Grandpa Joe to protect me, I'd release the girl within.
While living on the farm, the defrocked pastor who led the attack on Aunt Debbie once again caused turmoil for my family when he kidnapped Julie Woods and let her be raped
Due to his link to his sister Johnny felt what was being done to her. Constable Sebastian was able to lead a task force to rescue her but when Julie called out to me, I lost it and attacked the monster Avery almost killing him in my rage. Only being knocked out by a taser saved the beast.
When I awoke, I felt despair from what I'd just done. It took a special session of me going to Heaven and being with Daddy to help heal my bitterness because I couldn't accept what I'd done.
Julie was also healed of her ordeal through going to Heaven and she met Marcus, the only pure follower of the monster. When he saw Julie, he chose her over the Beast and their Love bloomed after that, but Johnny still had to deal with his ordeal.
His psychic link to Julie that manifested during the rape caused him to question himself that not even Pastor Pat's wisdom could quench completely. Even though he seemed at peace, Johnny's Heart was still troubled and would leave him open to the Beast's attack later on.
But Avery Linden was replaced as pastor by the Church that he formed By Pastor Pat's son, Pat Junior. Like his father, he was able to lead the fractured congregation and in time, merge it with his dad's Church, turning the now closed church building into a Community Center.
I went to Grandpa Joe's farm where I chose to become Kelly girl and learn how to be a woman and control my passion for Johnny. I knew that I could stay a male, but I am a girl at heart and by being schooled away from Johnny, The danger of wanton sex is gone.
I graduated from high school and met up with my family afterwards. Johnny and I went alone to my father's log cabin where we gave my breast forms and gaffe a workout because I wanted for him to know what he'd be getting after my surgery, but my plans met with disaster.
What we weren't expecting was for the Beast to be out on bail. He'd confronted Johny with a group of his minions who convinced him to dump me, which he did. When Johnny dumped me, I attempted suicide because the despair was too great, but Aunt Debbie saved me.
Johnny went after the beast and his followers and hospitalized them, fully ready to go to prison, but Constable Sebastian prevented it and the beast's current church received new leadership that taught them true Christianity.
I was given a choice, to stay in Heaven, or return. I chose to return when I aw how my death would destroy my family and friends. In choosing to live without hope, I would be blessed with hope in time.
I stayed in the hospital for a while as counselors made sure that I wasn't suicidal anymore as I grew into my womanhood. But I had to hold a press conference because of the beast to quell any false stories that he was starting. Amazingly, I was believed while he wasn't.
The counselors were able to help me discover why I despaired and overcome that weakness as well as get me ready for my surgery. My living as a girl for as long as I had convinced them that I was ready and my despair was proof of my being a girl.
I also met Terri, a woman like me who knew the Woods and during a Church Service, I finally felt whole as my Heart began to beat again with Hope. I assured Johnny that all was not lost and to be patient. And I met alumni from the school who lifted my spirits.which helped me to get ready for my surgery.
Later on, Julie and Mark got married and asked me to be Julie's Maid of Honor and Johnny to be Best Man. They did it to help us to reconcile our differences, and it worked very well, we became friends again, but there was still a shadow between us.
It was at our Annual Remembrance Meal that Johnny and I found our balance. I was ready for more hurt from him and to end our friendship, yet he pledged to never hurt me again, but he still had to deal with his recent actions and the inner turmoil cause by the beast.
I finally had my surgery to become a woman and become complete. I wanted for Johnny to come with me, but he couldn't for fear of hurting me. His actions hurt me, but I understood and knew that I couldn't let him hold me back.
But I was surprised to find him there for me and helping me to recover from my surgery. He saw what was done and helped to change the dressings as well as with my therapy. But when I was ready to consummate our Love, he let.
I chose to forget Johnny and move on with my life at the farm. I started on my counseling courses and helped around the farm, being the typical farm girl in helping Grandpa Joe with running the tractor and other things that a boy was supposed to do.
Then one day, I got a call that almost stopped my Heart, Johnny was hurt. Aunt Debbie rushed me to see him where I found that he wasn't has badly hurt as I thought that he was. During that time, Johnny and I reconciled and I accepted his proposal of marriage.
I also gave myself to Johnny as only a woman can in our consummation of our love that proved that like th rose, we had both come through a most bitter of winters to bloom into a Spring of New Hope, yet for all of that, I had a deep yearning that could not be quenched. I wanted to be a birth mother and feel a child growing in my belly.
That is the unrequited dream of many girls like me and like me, and like barren genetic women, must deal with our barrenness as best we can. We must all deal with the same things such as cancer and osteoporosis, but at least most genetic women have children born of their own flesh. This was the quagmire of thoughts that were befuddling me one day after Johnny and I had made Love.
* * *
We had just sated our passion when Johnny saw something in my eye that told him that I was not happy, "Kell, what's wrong?"
"Oh Johnny, it's not you, it's me," I sighed.
"Because you can't have children of your own," he stated.
I smiled, "I should have known that you'd know me so well," I sighed. "Johnny, I may have 'fathered Julie and Marks twins, but I still feel an emptiness in me that only a child born of my body can assuage," I wept.
Johnny sat up in bed and let me snuggle up to him, "Kell, if that's what's worrying you, then why not do something about it and stop your pouting," he chuckled.
"There are ways for you to actually carry a fetus in your abdomen and give birth by C-Section."
"Well, at least then I'll know the joy of being pregnant and nursing my child. But it won't be of our blood."
"Julie can supply the egg and Grandpa Joe the semen, or Momma Terri supply the eg and I the semen or Dad. Your choice."
"You've really thought about this and arranged things," I giggled, knowing how his mind worked.
"Why not BOTH?"
"Well, before we do anything, we need to get you ready," he deadpanned.
"You knew that I'd want both," I stated.
"Actually, we ALL knew," he chuckled as he ran out of the room.
"CHICKEN!" I laughed as I saw the permutations of their Love for me and their willingness to sacrifice for my happiness. I got up and showered, making sure to clean myself, but Johnny came in and we had fun cleansing each other.
We'd learned each other's bodies, so I knew that Johnny's attentiveness would be more than enough. After showering, I donned pantyhose, lingerie and a red sundress while Johnny donned gray sweat pants and matching polo shirt.
"Kelly, want to go and see Erin? She's in on the plan and will be able to see what all is needed."
I was blessed to have such a loving family who knew me so well. They'd been there for me during my journey and were still ready to help with a pranking flair that I encouraged.
I had started the pranking as a child as my way of showing my Love in a way that left no doubt about my sincerity. It was like the old McCoy/Spock feud on Star Trek as long as their battle of wits was going on, the crew knew that everything was alright. Now I wondered when or if I'd retaliate.
* * *
While Johnny and I were in bed, Julie was nursing her twins as Mark was making breakfast. She was wearing a nursing bra with her pink pajamas while Mark was in his boxers and t-shirt.
He was an accomplished fry cook, so he could actually whip up a scrummy healthy breakfast after he learned how to use the grill to help drain the grease.
"Jules, how can you nurse them both at the same time?" he asked as she hefted both babies to her awaiting breasts and let them nurse.
"Momma taught me how, good thing too since they're so competitive," she sighed.
"Like you and Johnny when you wee that small?" he grinned as he flipped the sausage patties onto the plate by the scrambled eggs and biscuits.
"Yeah, but at least when we got older, he became my protector and went into sports while I went into dancing," she answered as she settled back in her chair.
He sat breakfast on the table, carefully keeping it covered to keep warm as he got out the orange juice, "Well, I don't blame him, at all. Not only are you a lady worth protecting, you are also generous of Heart. Otherwise, you'd not have had the twins for Kelly."
Julie placed one of the now fed babies in the crib and started burping the other, "And what of YOUR generous Heart? You accepted my children as yours."
He stared at her imperiously, "And why not? Are they not Peers of the Realm?" he laughed.
"Peers of the Realm?" she asked, giggling as she placed the just burped baby in the crib and picked up the unburped twin.
"Why yes. Are they not BOTH heirs to your father's business empire?"
"Ah, NOW I get it! You only married me for my money!" she deadpanned as she burped the baby.
He picked up the burped baby, "Well, THAT and the fact that I'm a sucker for cute babies. And you have to admit that you and Kelly made some cuteies," he chuckled.
"True, but have you taken care of your part in OPERATION MOMMA KELLY?"
"Well, I could use a bit of practice after breakfast."
"OK. after breakfast."
* * *
Momma and Poppa Woods were off in the city of Mobile Alabama checking on a surprise gift for Aunt Debbie and August for their wedding. They thought of Aunt Debbie as their adopted sister, just like they did Momma and wanted to make sure that Aunt Debbie and August know how special that they were.
"Chuck, is that what I think it is?" asked Momma Woods as she pointed towards a houseboat. She was wearing a red sailor's dress with matching sandals and tan hose.
The houseboat was forty feet long on two pontoons that housed the aqua jet engines and wheels with the steering and brake sealed against water with two upper decks. The lower deck housed the cockpit/bridge dining room, kitchen and rear porch that housed the gangway and dock. The upper deck housed the head, bedrooms and access way to the upper deck.
"If you're pointing to the houseboat, yes," admitted Papa Woods who was dressed in a blue shirt and matching shorts with sneakers.
"It looks like it's registry number is for the river back home."
"It is. That's the "ROSE", named after Kelly."
"No doubt to be moored at the log cabin," she offered as she caressed his face with her hand.
"Yes, that place seems to be where our family goes when we need to get away from it all."
"Well, with Kelly and Johnny there right now on their honeymoon, it'll be a bit hard to hide from everybody."
"That's why I'm building a bigger cabin up there, not far away," he chuckled.
"Do they know?"
"No, only that the empty lot at the end of the trail was bought. I'll be able to put up a log cabin like the garage apartment, except that the garage will be more rooms and will have a basement and open air patio on the roof with a smaller dock house that berths the boat."
She giggled, "My oh my, you sure have planned something big. I bet that Kelly will see it has your biggest prank."
"Let her, that scamp! It'll give her something to aim for in her pranking others," he offered with a chuckle.
Then they went into a local office to finalize the transactions and get the 'ROSE' ready for sailing.
* * *
Back at the farm, Grandpa Joe and Granny Billie were out in the fields, checking on a new crop of exotic flowers for the upcoming wedding season that blesses the community through out the year. There are actually three such seasons, spring, winter and Valentine's Day.
Before he had started growing these flowers, some weddings had to settle for plastic flowers or pay outrageous prices for imports that might not be what was wanted, but Grandpa Joe always did his best to satisfy his customer.
"Billie, are you sure that you want ta' be out here? What about Debbie?" asked Grandpa Joe who was wearing hid traditional overalls with a matching shirt and sturdy boots.
"Joe, stop your worrying about that girl. She's got herself a beau in that there Augustus," stated Granny Billie who was wearing her green rose dress and apron with white hose and sandals.
"AW! Heck! I know that! But she is my daughter and I want ta' make sure that she's happy's all."
"Like Kelly?"
"Yep! BOTH have been through a lot. Seems that Kelly has jump started my Princesses Heart."
She hugged Grandpa close, "Kelly really got to you with her innocence and when that Johnny hurt her, I saw in you the fierce protector that we made in Stuart. Now I see that same protector ready to defend Debbie's honor. Do you believe that Gus would hurt Debbie?"
"No, but that beast can still cause mischief for Kelly and Debbie. I can feel it."
Granny grew afraid, "But Joe, he is locked away with no way to get out. Why do you say such a thing? You have me worried!"
Grandpa Joe sighed, "Lizzie Jane, in my Heart of Hearts, I KNOW that there is a final confrontation that Kelly must battle after she has won her greatest victory. I thought that happened between her and Johnny, but my nightmare has returned," he stated.
Granny Lizzie took his gnarled hands into her delicate hands, "Then tonight, I will help you to sleep without your nightmare as I have done before."
When Grandpa Joe was plagued with his nightmare, Granny Jane's loving shattered it and let him sleep.
Grandpa Joe smiled, "You're just finding a reason ta' try and make us a new baby, you vixen."
"And why not?"
"Can't really argue with you, Love."
"Good, now let's tend to these flowers," she giggled.
* * *
Momma was meeting with Constable Sebastian on a shopping date. He'd asked her to help him to help remodel his house now that his son was living on his own, so Sebastian wanted to replace all of the cheap furniture and get furniture that he wanted.
"Sebastian, this living room suit won't fit very well with the wallpaper. Want to try paneling?" she asked wearing a red skirt suit with a pink blouse, hose and low heels.
He looked at the sturdy furniture, "Since this is made in a Western motif, shouldn't the paneling look like logs in a log cabin?" he asked while wearing a plaid shirt and jeans with loafers.
She looked thoughtful for a moment, "We can actually rebuild your house, taking out the sheet rock and replacing it with plywood with paneling that resembles logs and replace the outer walls with plywood with stucco that resembles logs if you prefer."
"That would mean a complete rewiring too, right?"
"Yes, but at the same time, you can add in any outlets that you want and choose your lighting and if you want central heating and air."
He looked at her with smiling eyes, "I can easily imagine Stu and you discussing your home like this. That's why I chose you to help me, Terri," he sighed.
Momma blushed, "Even after all of this time, I still miss him. But somehow, now I no longer feel the guilt that I'd normally have. I guess my Heart is finally ready to Love again after Kelly's marriage."
He hugged her, "I'm glad. Because I find that I Love you. Not only as Stu's widow, but also as your beau."
"So, by getting me to help you in remodeling your home, you're also making sure that I'll like it and have fewer qualms about dating you," she giggled.
"Yes, if you agree, that is."
"Oh, I totally agree, as long as we are up front with Kelly and the Woods. about it."
"Of course."
They spent the rest of the day planning out how to refurbish his home to become a home away from home for me and my children and Julie's.
* * *
Aunt Debbie had gone to see Erin, our doctor for her annual checkup. She was feeling a bit tired and irritable and wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong because she knew that she could get breast cancer, but the news was far better.
"According to your scans, you actually have a dormant set of female reproductive organs that have recently started to operate. What's happened recently that might possibly be the reason?" asked Erin who was wearing lilac scrubs.
Aunt Debbie blushed, "I've started having sex with a man, regularly," she admitted while wearing a white blouse, denim mini with hose and sandals.
"The same man?"
Erin grinned, "Then it looks as if you are being doubly blessed, thanks to him. Because not only are you experiencing what I hope for you is wonderful sex, but you can now give birth to children."
"Yes, from my examination, you are like a young girl just starting on her reproductive cycle. I don't know how long you'll be fertile, but you need to start taking the 'pill' to prevent an unwanted pregnancy."
"ARE YOU KIDDING? I WANT A CHILD!" Aunt Debbie exclaimed.
Erin patted her hosed knee, "I know, but had to give you all options."
* * *
Augustus was meeting with Daddy's old Police Chief friend and mentor at the Tri-County Community Center to discuss the STUART MOORE SCHOLARSHIP FUND DINNER. After Daddy's death, the Tri-County Police Department had set up the fund to honor Daddy by giving a scholarship funded by donations from Papa Woods and others to help the children of police personal to attend college.
Gus was still in his Constable's uniform while Hob was wearing his Tri-County Eagles Softball uniform.
"Hob, how's retirement treating you?" asked Gus as he cut into his omelet.
"Staying busy with my coaching the kids and being the team captain," he answered as he started in on his hash brown meal.
"Oh? I'd never figure for you to be so into sports," he smiled as he drank some of his coffee.
"And why is that? Pray tell," asked Hob as he grabbed a piece of toast.
"Well, you hardly ever were involved while you were a cop."
"Oh, I was there to support Junior as he played. But I knew that I couldn't get more involved what with my responsibilities."
"It's too bad that your wife Selena died at child birth," Gus sighed.
"Yes, but my parents took me and Junior in and helped me raise him. When they died, Junior and I got the estate."
"Then why are you looking for a new place?"
"Because Junior is getting married and I don't want to intrude. Besides, I'm taking over the old garden shed and turning it into a studio apartment," he chuckled.
"Bet that Chuck is helping you with that," said Gus as he finished breakfast.
"Yes, he and Lynn are seeing to it as a present to me," replied Hob as he finished his hash browns.
"Much like they do for the Fund."
"Yes. Oh, they've already got the Dinner planned. What they want is a list of graduates from us so that they know how many checks to write."
Gus passed over a folder, "Shall we both present our findings, or just one of us?"
"BOTH! That way, we can enjoy one of their delicious meals," he laughed.
* * *
Johnny and I went to see Erin as it was time for my annual check up with her. She kept me as a patient because she had been the doctor who had done my surgery. But what I did not know was what she had found out as she operated on me, nor was I ready for the news.
We had just puled up in his Jeep Wrangler when Erin waved to us, "Hello Kelly, you look lovely, today."
I blushed, "Thanks Erin. Why are we meeting out here?' I asked
"It's such a lovely day that I thought that it'd be perfect to share some good news with you about Debbie."
"She is starting to menstruate and can soon get pregnant."
"PREGNANT?" I exclaimed, then I passed out.
* * *
I awoke with my head in Johnny's lap and we were sitting in Erin's office.
"Well, I guess that I should have had you to sit down, but with your pranking tendency, I just had to pull my prank," she grinned.
I smiled, "So, I just might be a cousin, one day. But what about me becoming a mother?"
"So, THAT'S the real reason that you're here."
Johnny help me to sit up, "Erin, With Miss Debbie now menstruating, is it possible that Kelly will be too?"
"Very possible. But to make sure, I'll need to do some tests to see what I can do for Kelly. But don't worry, she'll be a mother, that I promise both of you."
"Erin, when can we start?"
"Right now, Kelly. I have the entire day set aside for you."
* * *
To Be Continued...