A Throwaway Comment by Amanda Walker
Summary: A seemingly innocuous bit of banter between husband and wife leads to a new experience
Categories: Fiction Characters: None
Age Group: Adult 26-55
Categories: Crossdressing/TV, Deals, Bets or Dares, Sweet and Sentimental
Genre: Drama
Keywords: None
Story Universe: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 3456 Read: 42199 Published: 02 Jan 2009 Updated: 15 Jan 2009
Chapter 3 by Amanda Walker
Author's Notes:
Jason's mother recovers and hatches her own plans

Chapter 3


“Now you two, after trying to give me a heart attack will somebody explain what’s happening?” Jason’s mother was restored by her cup of tea and was back in charge.

Linda explained the inspiration came from their conversation as she borrowed Jason’s shirt and how he knew nothing of her plans for today.

Jason said it was a new experience and he was still getting used to the feel of the clothes. It wasn’t unpleasant and he enjoyed letting Linda have her fantasy game.

“Well if I didn’t know you I’d have taken you for a girl, you probably need a few detail touches to pass in a crowd but that’s nothing that can’t be fixed.”

“Pardon?”  Jason wondered where she was heading with this.

“Yes, a scarf for the neck, some nail polish and a bit of walking practice should do it.” Mum was on a roll now.

“Why would I need to look better?” Jason enquired

Linda smiled, she had guessed what was coming.

“When I take you to lunch, of course, dear. You’ll want to look your best won’t you? Didn’t your father say you should always try your best at everything? ”

“Yes, of course.” Jason replied.

“That’s settled then.” His mother looked pleased.

“That’s not what I meant, I’m not going out dressed like this.” Jason looked worried.

“So, are you trying to suggest Linda’s not done a good job of dressing you?”

“No of course not, she’s done a great job.”

“There you are then, I’ll be ready for lunch soon and it’ll take you ages to change, let’s get moving.” She fired a sneaky glance at Linda.

“You look great Jason, your Mum’s suggestions will add the finishing touches.” She might as well have said resistance is futile.....

So Jason allowed his mother to paint his nails while Linda found a silk scarf and clasp. They had him practice walking in the heels, they were a fraction tight, but as his mother said ‘we’ll get some that fit’. Eeek

“I’ll drive as I don’t think you’ll handle the heels very well, walk confidently to the car and sit in as we showed you, smoothing your dress as you get in.” Linda was very matter of fact.

“I can’t do this.” Jason was frightened.

“Come into the hall.” Said his mother.

“Now stand by me and look into the mirror. What do you see?”

“Mother and, and well, daughter I suppose.”

“Right, we’re not forcing you to do this but you have nothing to worry about, if you get spooked we come home.”

“Why are we doing this mother?”

“I know it’s silly but it’s a bit of fun, I never had a daughter, Linda’s lovely but she’s not mine, if we go into a clothes shop you’ll normally be bored. This way I get both my daughters with me and you can join in. It’ll just be a different day out, humour me please?”

“OK, I can’t say I’m totally comfortable but you two are very persuasive..... I love you both, look after me.” Jason smiled as he gave in.

“One last thing, if you been born a girl your father and I would have called you Rebecca, I can’t call you Jason today can I.”

“Rebecca it is then.” He smiled, his mother had gone from distress to taking over and playing with her new toy in a very short space of time. 

Off to the Trafford Centre they went, they knew that they wouldn’t know anyone there and although there is a bit of parading, and people watching going on, most visitors are concentrating on the shopping.

As they left the car his mother took both ‘girls’ by the arm and set towards the food court.

Walking through the crows of people he kept looking at the floor. “Hold your head up and be confident.” Linda whispered to him. “Look at our reflection in this shop window, it’s your mother and two girls, relax and it will all be fine.”

“I’ll try.” He wanted to kiss and hug his wife but that would have attracted attention!

They did a little window shopping but his mother was ready for lunch. “I’m paying and I’m choosing.” She said. Jason had to accept a light salad meal in Giraffe not his usual monster burger or similar. He was also coached to eat in a ladylike fashion, there was so much to learn. Sitting down and chatting he became more accustomed to the clothes and the fact that no-one had appeared bother by his appearance.

After the meal Linda took him to the Ladies where she helped him refresh his lipstick and also fixed it with a gloss coating. She combed his wig and made sure it was secure.

“Now we shop!” she said.



End Notes:
Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2009 Amanda Walker. All rights reserved.
This story archived at http://tgfiction.net/viewstory.php?sid=60