Point Of View-E.A.F.O.A.B.- by Stanman63

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Categories: Fiction Characters: None
Age Group: Not Applicable
Categories: Caught with Consequences, Crossdressing/TV, Sweet and Sentimental
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Romance
Keywords: Appliances Attached, Attempted or Completed Suicide, Diapers or Little Girls, Hormones, Pregnant/Having a Baby, Wedding Dress or Married
Story Universe: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 24 Completed: No Word count: 14506 Read: 204328 Published: 11 Jul 2010 Updated: 13 Jul 2010
Simon's View-2 by Stanman63

Point Of View- Simon's View-2
Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by Stanman


Synopsis:Is where Simon Cameron: Duke of Stanesbury talks about the story.    

Professor Thomas Agnew is the Head of the Department at the University where Cathy is studying Dormice. that old coot saw Cathy has is daughter when she first started as Charlie. He helped to encourage him to become Cathy.


He loves Cathy like a father loves his daughter. I have no fear of him trying to seduce Cathy. No, he lost his daughter years ago and mourns her loss. In Cathy, he has a chance to be a father again and help her to become the woman she is inside.

What is truly hard for him is the fact that his daughter's name was Cathy. Cathy looks and acts like his long lost daughter. He often forgets that Cathy is not his daughter for real. But it blessed his heart when she accepted him as a Stand-In Father.

Cathy's birth dad recently had a stroke. Cathy was afraid to go see about him because he had beat her and taken away her favorite dolly when she was a child and almost beat her to death before Cathy left home for the University..

Charlie had been caught dressed as Cathy and she told him that she was really a girl. That BASTARD beat Cathy until she passed out. If I had been there, he wouldn't have succeeded in hurt my Cathy. But the damage was done. Charlie died that night and Cathy was born.

Cathy gathered her few clothes and moved into her small apartment where she made friends with the local grocer, but two of the local ruffians thought it would be fun to bully Cathy.

That Cathy proved to be a bit to much for them. They painted graffiti on her front door and refused to remove it. Cathy took the vulgarity down after she gave them a good clout on the snout. Another time, she actually ran over them when she was on her bike.

I wish that I was there to see her handle them, but I was there when they accosted both of us. Cathy and I had decided to spend the night at her apartment. Those two can't seem to understand that Cathy is too much for them, they still had scars from the other encounters.[chuckle]

They came at me in a double team. Cathy tackled one of them and went wild! That girl had him begging for mercy!! I had to pull that lioness off of her kill. Well, they decided to stop bothering Cathy after that. [chuckle] I guess that the idea of Cathy in lioness mode and me being such a big fella is a bit more than they can handle. [chuckle.]

No, Cathy and her Dad did finally rebuild their relationship. His wife had died recently and he couldn't die alone. In his sorrow, he finally saw Cathy has his daughter. he started to open up and accept Cathy after his stroke.

Cathy began to bring him homemade meals at his request and gave her authority to handle his affairs too. She has been a dutiful daughter in bringing him meals and even taking him out for a bit of fresh air, but she let him know that she was not his servant.

She told him that she had schoolwork and other concerns to tend too. She couldn't be there everyday for him. She begged him not to make her choose because HE would lose.

She loves him, but the memory of the past is still there and she won't let him bully her anymore. They both cried because they love each other. Cathy told me what happened before I met her Father.

She told me all about what her Dad had done to her. She was frightened that he would reject me as her suitor. But he accepted me as his son and gave us his blessing for us to marry. He is looking forward to giving away his Princess to a Prince.

The only man that I am worried about is my best mate Des. When he met Cathy, he bet me that he could get into her knickers. Now I NEVER went along with the bet, but THAT SCOUNDREL tried anyway and when he failed, HE told Cathy about the bet.

I had to convince her that I was innocent and that hadn't went along with the stupid bet. She finally believed me and went to tell Des off. He thinks it is all in fun, but NOT me and Cathy.
I will never trust Des with Cathy after that and recent events have pretty well ended our friendship.

The press got wind of Cathy's being a Trans-woman in love with a Peer Of The Ream, and so did the Russian Mafia. To combat both, Des set up an interview on the B.B.C. There, we were able to answer all the questions and Dad was able to thwart the attempted takeover of the bank.

Then Cathy and Des went for a bike ride that got me fuming from Cathy's comments. but that only helped to fuel the fire when I found Charlie on Cathy.

She had to stop tucking Charlie away so that there would be enough there for surgery. When I found Charlie, I left Cathy in bed ans slept on the sofa. Cathy left my ring and went out into the cold.

When she called back, I went to get her. We tried to talk, but Stella really let me have it. I had to leave and to a lot of thinking. When I returned, Cathy and I made amends and now we are once again engaged.

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